The TACTOM Modernization:
- Recertification, Navigation Communication Modernization upgrades (NAVCOMMs), designation Block V, for all
- Maritime Strike Tomahawk (MST), designation Block Va
- Military Code (M-CODE), for all
- Joint Multiple Effects Warhead System (JMEWS), designation Block Vb
Initial procurement of TACTOM, as well as modification funds executed in FY 2020 and prior. The TACTOM NAVCOMMs upgrades consist of the Integrated Single Box Solution (ISBS) radio, two new antennas and associated cabling, a new mid-body cover, and changes to the aft-body structure and aft-body cover. The ISBS radio is replacing the existing Satellite Data Link Terminal (SDLT); and the new Ultra High Frequency (UHF) antenna is replacing the existing UHF antenna.
A second antenna is beingadded to the missile to accommodate a second frequency band.
The changes to the missile are driven by the obsolescence of the SDLT hardware and the obsolescence of the UHF Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) communications infrastructure that is being phased out of service.
As part of the Recertification (ACAT II) program, all Block IV TACTOMs will be updated to the modernized Block V configuration with the incorporation of NAVCOMMs kits continuing in FY 2021.
The TACTOM service life for RGM109E and UGM109E Block IV/V Tomahawk cruise missiles is 30 years with a 15 year deployment and recertification cycle. The TACTOM Recertification program includes FY2021 funding associated with the recertification of BLK IV TACTOM Missiles. The yearly recertification profile will limit the missile backlog within the Fleet due to the expiration of life limiting components. There certification contract will have three months of production lead-time prior to missile induction. Recertification activity includes the costs associated with the Raytheon labor, vendor recertification of specific components (i.e. mechanical and electrical components), recertification of the MK 45 submarine capsule, missile consumables, fuze recertification and fuel. Recertification is planned to occur concurrently withinstallation of NAVCOMMs Modernization Kits, which will replace the existing SDLT radio and antenna.
MST is a Rapid Deployment Capability which includes seeker kit hardware,assemblies/subassemblies, packaging and storage. Seeker kit hardware procurement includes the sensors (not one!), nosecone, ULTRA processor, cooling pump and plumbing, bulkhead, power and signal harnesses, power supply, plumbing and electrical chase insulators, telemetry unit, wiring, magnet generator, and alternator voltage control converter. Includes modifying existing missile infrastructure to accept/install seeker kit components and assemblies into a modernized Block V missile.
M-CODE is an ACAT IV, next generation, modernized Global Positioning System (GPS) capability. TACTOM M-CODE kits consist of new Anti-Jam GPS Receiver (AGR) hardware/software and installation of the upgrade kit into TACTOM Block V AURs.
JMEWS is an ACAT III, new warhead for the Block V Tomahawk Cruise Missile. JMEWS will greatly expand the land target set that the Tomahawk missile is capable of defeating, by combining the blast andfragmentation capabilities of the current warhead with a new penetration capability and improved mission planning. JMEWS will also be compliant with Insensitive Munitions requirements which improve safetyduring transportation and storage on land and aboard ships and submarines. JMEWS program includes upgrades to the AUR missile, and requires upgrades to the Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Control System, and Theatre Mission Planning Center programs.