Swedish war game scenarios in 1960 and 1964


ACCESS: Secret
1 December 2006
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A thesis by Major Tommy Pettersson of the Swedish Air Force at http://www.aef.se/flygvapnet/PDF-dokument/Med_invasionen_i_sikte.pdf shows a 1960 war game scenario that saw more than 600 Tu-16 Badger raids and 200 SSM strikes against Sweden in one week. In this war game scenario the Soviets were expected to use 200 nuclear weapons, mostly tactical types of 20 kiloton yield or less.
The Soviet war aim was to overrun Sweden in 45 days and ultimately march on to occupy Norway.

Google translation of the original Swedish text about the 1964 war game scenario says the Soviets were supposed to land two armies, each comprised of six motorized rifle divisions and three tank divisions, on the Swedish coast in about a week and a continuous trickle of up to 10 000 tonnes per day would be sent over the Baltic Sea by about 300 special landing craft, about 120 conventional merchant ships.
  • Very interesting datafuser!
    I've PM you re this thesis.

    I have always wondered what the Soviet take was on Sweden.
    I recall all the issues regarding Soviet subs and frogman being court by the Swedish in the 1980's.

    Has anything of the Soviet's intentions of how they might have dealt with Sweden in time of a NATO vs Warsaw Pact conflict, since the Communist regimes collapse?

    I for one have always appreciated the Swedish government, military and its peoples stance on a serious and credible military, even at its cost in which it must have incurred in the process!!

    If anyone does translate this thesis into english I would love to see and read it!!

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