Surface launched versions of Sea Skua and Sea Eagle.


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1 August 2009
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Has any one any pics/concept drawings of Surface launched versions of the Sea Eagle/Sea Skua?
I don't have any pics of surface launched Sea Eagle but Surface launched Sea Skua is not a secret project, it is actually in service with the Kuwait navy on their fast patrol boats.


Surface Sea Eagle has interested me as well. I do wonder how different it would have been.
Does anyone have any ideas of how big and heavy the box?? launcher for surface launched Sea Eagle would have been compared to that for Harpoon and Exocet MM38 and M40?
PMN1 said:
Does anyone have any ideas of how big and heavy the box?? launcher for surface launched Sea Eagle would have been compared to that for Harpoon and Exocet MM38 and M40?

Very late reply here, but something in another thread prompted me to look into this. Surface-launched Sea Eagle was known as P5T.

Design-wise, P5T was apparently very close to the zero-speed helicopter-launched version of Sea Eagle for the Indian Navy.

I haven't found an actual weight, but according to Friedman's World Naval Weapon Systems , British Aerospace claimed that three P5T could fit in the place (and presumably weight) of MM40 Exocet. MM40 was around 1150 kg per canister, which implies Sea Eagle SL was being claimed in the vicinity of 800kg including canister and boosters. That seems low, since the bare air-launched Sea Eagle was around 600 kg not including the strap-on boosters.

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