Sun-synchronous orbit spacecrafts


ACCESS: Confidential
5 January 2021
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Have you ever heard about Sun-synchronous orbit spacecrafts? According to the information I`ve found such name have weather satellites and some kind of scientific satellites. Also, I`ve heard that there are not only weather satellites and scientific satellites that are used in Sun-synchronous orbit. Do you know which kind of sats or maybe other spacecrafts are used for Sun-synchronous orbit?
yes, sun-synchronous orbits are quite common.
1. they allow you to observe the entire world every day.
2. they allow you to observe at a specific time (flying over the same spot at the same time each day), which makes it easier e.g. to interpret shadows.
3. they allow for orbits where the satellite is always in sunlight, which simplifies power and thermal management.

So any type of Earth observation (photography, weather, photo reconnaissance) and low-cost missions can benefit from this type of orbit.
yes, sun-synchronous orbits are quite common.
1. they allow you to observe the entire world every day.
2. they allow you to observe at a specific time (flying over the same spot at the same time each day), which makes it easier e.g. to interpret shadows.
3. they allow for orbits where the satellite is always in sunlight, which simplifies power and thermal management.

So any type of Earth observation (photography, weather, photo reconnaissance) and low-cost missions can benefit from this type of orbit.
Such name as Sun- Synchronous Orbit spacecraft have also weather satellites, some kinds of microsatellites and some kind of scientific satellites. Also some kinds of light class launch vehicle take part in Sun- Synchronous Orbit
yes, sun-synchronous orbits are quite common.
1. they allow you to observe the entire world every day.
2. they allow you to observe at a specific time (flying over the same spot at the same time each day), which makes it easier e.g. to interpret shadows.
3. they allow for orbits where the satellite is always in sunlight, which simplifies power and thermal management.

So any type of Earth observation (photography, weather, photo reconnaissance) and low-cost missions can benefit from this type of orbit.
Also, I foundout that some Sun- Synchronous Orbit spacecrafts need final checks on sub systems. And I found a spacecraft works to complete these final checks on sub systems prior to use in Sun- Synchronous Orbit spacecraft.Skylark L also used for different microgravity missions and experiments.

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