Sukhoi SB


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11 March 2006
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I've split this topic from heshams "Sukhoi unidentified Bombers of 1939" post, as they are identified
now. Thanks, bigvlada !
BTW, I supposed, that the designation was "SB 2" and the following ("AM-8 TK3") just the type of engines used.
Please correct me, if I was wrong.


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From boxkite I've got the clue, that until around the '50s the engine type actually was used as
part of the types designation. AFAIK "SB 2" stands for "Fast Bomber (Skorostnoi Bombardirovschik),
twin engined", but I don't dare to discuss themes about the Russian language here.
But the type designation "SB 2" is well known for the Tupolev ANT-40, and actually I've found
"SB 2M-103" for versions with Klimov M-103, or "SB 2M-106" with the M-106 engine. But generally
it seems to have been called "SB 2", probably in the same way, as both the Ju 88 A and R were
just called "Ju 88", no matter, that the former had Jumo 211 and the latter BMW 801 engines.
Actually, the russian system makes matters clearer, I think, as you don't have to browse through lists.
Thank you Jemiba for your explanation.
Also could these last code letters (TK-3) stand for e.g. "turbinnyi kompressor" e.g. turbocharcher?
Hi all!

The marking "SB 2AM-38 TK-3" is just provisional, only for project. If the aircraft would be built and taken into series, of course it would get "Su" designation with some digits (of course the number would be even).

The provisional designation means that the aircraft is high-speed bomber with two AM-38 engines fitted with TK-3 turbochargers. The "2" is quantity of engines, it isn't the type number - and in the case of "SB 2M-100" it also wasn't a type number. For comparison: TB-3 4M-17 - here "3" is type number, and "4" is quantity of engines (which are the M-17). So, designation "SB-2" isn't correct in any case - not for the well-known Tupolev/Arkhangelsky bomber, not for this Sukhoi project.

The "TK" letters actually mean TurboKompressor (turbocharger in Russian), and are the common Russian abbreviation for this equipment. But "TK-3" is the designation of one particular type, designed in TsIAM (with participation of Mikulin) in the year 1939. This type of turbocharger was also used on the I-153TK (I-153V), DVB-102, Il-4TK, La-5TK and La-7TK.
Thank you redstar72!
My once decent Russian apparently got rusted beyond repair. Could you tell me what is the difference between "nagnetatel" and "kompressor"?
mattrix said:
Could you tell me what is the difference between "nagnetatel" and "kompressor"?

"Kompressor" is any device which compresses the gas and supplies it under pressure - of whatever purpose. "Nagnetatel" is mechanical supercharger of an engine.

As for the turbocharger - you can meet "turbokompressor" or "turbonagnetatel", and also "turbonadduv"; all these terms are equal.
From Kryl'ya Rodine 5/1996,

here is the Sukhoi SB Light Bomber drawing,with more details.


  • SB.png
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