Sud-Aviation Research Rockets


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In Der Flieger, August 1963, the portfolio of research rockets built and planned by
Sud-Aviation during the '60sis shown:
- Belier: Single stage, solid fueled, payload 30 kg, ceiling 85 km
- Centaure: Two stage (first stage was the Venus booster, second stage the Belier), solid fueled, payload 30 kg to a
ceiling 180 km, or 60 kg to a 130 km.
- Dragon: Two stage (first stage was the S2 booster, second stage the Belier), solid fueled, payload 30 kg to a
ceiling 600 km, or 200 kg to a 250 km.
- Dauphin: Single stage, solid fueled
- Eridan: Two stage (first stage was the S2 booster, second stage the Dauphin), solid fueled, payload 100 kg to a
ceiling 600 km, or 300 kg to a 300 km.


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Jemiba said:
In Der Flieger, August 1963, the portfolio of research rockets built and planned by
Sud-Aviation during the '60sis shown:
- Belier: Single stage, solid fueled, payload 30 kg, ceiling 85 km
- Centaure: Two stage (first stage was the Venus booster, second stage the Belier), solid fueled, payload 30 kg to a
ceiling 180 km, or 60 kg to a 130 km.
- Dragon: Two stage (first stage was the S2 booster, second stage the Belier), solid fueled, payload 30 kg to a
ceiling 600 km, or 200 kg to a 250 km.
- Dauphin: Single stage, solid fueled
- Eridan: Two stage (first stage was the S2 booster, second stage the Dauphin), solid fueled, payload 100 kg to a
ceiling 600 km, or 300 kg to a 300 km.
There was slight changes between the different versions.
See at :
(slides 11, 18, 23 & 24)
And there were more versions. Thanks !
And the source of the drawings obviously is the same, as used by the mentioned mag. ;)
Jemiba said:
And there were more versions. Thanks !
And the source of the drawings obviously is the same, as used by the mentioned mag. ;)
In August 1963, Dauphin and Eridan were future projects. So, Belier, Centaure and Dragon drawings only are correct in the 1963 drawing. The original source seems to be a Sud Aviation document shown in several books. "Fusées françaises pour la recherche spatiale", Dunod, 1964, is one of them.
I used ESRO sources for version II and CNES sources for version III.

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