Submersible UAV


ACCESS: Top Secret
14 December 2009
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I have a hard time seeing real world practicality for this thing. It swims about as good as a dead tuna. I'll be impressed when it swims as good as it can fly.
It's already got a prop on the back. Wouldn't they be better off just using that albeit at lower RPM? ???
I could make the cheap joke about them all being submersible ...once. But that would be too easy, right? ;)

Joking aside, I presume it isn't intended to take off again? If that's right, it look like an awfully complex way to achieve what is [in reality] a none too difficult capability (DASH like device dropping cheap UUVs???).

Anyway, interesting little video - thanks for posting it.
Building stuff is hard. Being a snarky ass about others efforts is easy.

sferrin said:
It's already got a prop on the back. Wouldn't they be better off just using that albeit at lower RPM? ???

The differences in density and compressibility between air and water would make it impractical to use a single prop and drivetrain for both environments.

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