Structure Found on Mars By "Armchair Astronaut"


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21 April 2009
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Color me skeptical but an interesting read nonetheless:

Armchair astronaut discovers Mars 'space station' using Google earth

By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 11:52 AM on 6th June 2011

We have all heard of little green men from Mars.

But now an American 'armchair astronaut' claims to have discovered a mysterious structure on the surface of the red planet - by looking on Google earth.

David Martines, whose YouTube video of the 'station' has racked up over 200,000 hits so far, claims to have randomly uncovered the picture while scanning the surface of the planet one day.
fascinating wat people have powers of imagination
like to make from all but a few pixel, a complet complex structure like a city or Face...
I don't know what it is, but we should blow it up just to be safe.
I think "blowing it up" (at least in the pixellated sense) is what's caused this fuss! It really is just like the Canals of Mars all over again, but this time we have a lone Internet Warrior who's convinced he's discovered what NASA has been missing all these years.

When cylinders start arriving on Earth, that's the time to take things seriously. Upon which the question then becomes, which ship gets to play HMS Thunderchild? I'd like to see Wells's bloody Martians try to deal with a hail of VLS-launched missiles all coming from multiple angles. The issue would be whether they could shift targets fast enough, especially with the warship itself bearing down on them and demanding attention. Something would get through sooner or later...

(Come to think of it, what would Thunderchild have been? The Jeff Wayne double album features a William White-style pre-dreadnought on the cover art, but she's described in the book as a torpedo ram. ?? HMS Polyphemus??)
It is another famous MOD (Martian Optical Disguise), is more than a century that the red planet fools stupid earthmen.... ;D
archipeppe said:
It is another famous MOD (Martian Optical Disguise), is more than a century that the red planet fools stupid earthmen.... ;D

Break out the Nukes!
Grey Havoc said:
archipeppe said:
It is another famous MOD (Martian Optical Disguise), is more than a century that the red planet fools stupid earthmen.... ;D

Break out the Nukes!

If it gets us producing new nukes and heavy lift rockets and ICBM's I'm all for it ;)
bobbymike said:
If it gets us producing new nukes and heavy life rockets and ICBM's I'm all for it ;)

Gonna need some nerve gas as well.

Mineral deposits, or hundreds of martian spaceships ready to attack Earth. :eek:
Is this instead of or as well as those hollow Martian moons ??
I take it you are a fan of this:
It's an imaging artifact:
...I figured it was another one of those stitching artifacts like the ones found a couple of years ago claming to show the "ruins of Atlantis".
Well, until anyone reports hydrogen gas erupting miles into the Martian sky, I'm not worried.
royabulgaf said:
Well, until anyone reports hydrogen gas erupting miles into the Martian sky, I'm not worried.

What, are you kidding? Worried? That would be *awesome*! Some Martian war machines landing around London would cause some chaos and damage to be sure, but the Royal Marines, SAS, regular anti-tank forces of the British Army - hell, some British WWII re-enactors equipped with functional Panzerfausts and bazookas - would have 'em mopped up in time for afternoon tea.

Wells' Martians would be taken out today long before they so much as got the sniffles.
Orionblamblam said:
What, are you kidding? Worried? That would be *awesome*! Some Martian war machines landing around London would cause some chaos and damage to be sure, but the Royal Marines, SAS, regular anti-tank forces of the British Army - hell, some British WWII re-enactors equipped with functional Panzerfausts and bazookas - would have 'em mopped up in time for afternoon tea.

Wells' Martians would be taken out today long before they so much as got the sniffles.

I wouldn’t be so quick to write off the Martian tripods as described by H.G. Wells. Anything standing on only three legs 100’ high that is able to shrug off a hit by a BL 12 Pounder cannon (76mm) is not going to be vulnerable to contemporary man portable anti tank weapons. It is also armed with what can only be described as a plasma weapon:

However it is done, it is certain that a beam of heat is the essence of the matter. Heat, and invisible, instead of visible light. Whatever is combustible flashes into flame at its touch, lead runs like water, it softens iron, cracks and melts glass, and when it falls upon water, incontinently that explodes into steam.

And rockets armed with a lethal poison gas (“black smoke”) and the means to detect threats and target its weapons upon them. At full gallop the tripod can move at around 100 kph (“as fast as an express train”) and from it elevated position dominate a large area of ground and shoot downwards on any enfiladed targets.

The only way the turn of the second from last century humans were able to defeat a tripod was to ram a 2,500 tonne warship at 18 knots into the legs of one. All that being said there won’t be any tripods launched from this multi pixel imaging anomaly caused by cosmic particles hitting the camera that took the photo.
Abraham Gubler said:
I wouldn’t be so quick to write off the Martian tripods as described by H.G. Wells. Anything standing on only three legs 100’ high that is able to shrug off a hit by a BL 12 Pounder cannon (76mm) is not going to be vulnerable to contemporary man portable anti tank weapons. It is also armed with what can only be described as a plasma weapon:

However it is done, it is certain that a beam of heat is the essence of the matter. Heat, and invisible, instead of visible light. Whatever is combustible flashes into flame at its touch, lead runs like water, it softens iron, cracks and melts glass, and when it falls upon water, incontinently that explodes into steam.

And rockets armed with a lethal poison gas (“black smoke”) and the means to detect threats and target its weapons upon them. At full gallop the tripod can move at around 100 kph (“as fast as an express train”) and from it elevated position dominate a large area of ground and shoot downwards on any enfiladed targets.

The only way the turn of the second from last century humans were able to defeat a tripod was to ram a 2,500 tonne warship at 18 knots into the legs of one. All that being said there won’t be any tripods launched from this multi pixel imaging anomaly caused by cosmic particles hitting the camera that took the photo.

While Thunderchild got the most spectacular tripod kill, several others were described as being destroyed by "hidden batteries"--indicating that they weren't so much shell-proof as they were protected by firepower.
Abraham Gubler said:
The only way the turn of the second from last century humans were able to defeat a tripod was to ram a 2,500 tonne warship at 18 knots into the legs of one.

It's been a while, but I seem to recall that the problem in taking down a tripod was *hitting* the thing. Cannon of 1900 weren't exactly designed to track moving targets. Still, ISTR that at least one other tripod was at least "injured" by land-based artillery.
No doubt Tripod capability was limited by the Martian finance ministry to the level required to overmatch 19th century Earth military state of the art. If required to invade Earth now they would be funded for the multi angle Heat Ray with multi spectral target acquisition and tracking and in-flight interception of any threat. Plus their Black Smoke weapon would be replaced by a tailored bio-weapon to reduce human desire to resist and so on.
Abraham Gubler said:
It is also armed with what can only be described as a plasma weapon:

However it is done, it is certain that a beam of heat is the essence of the matter. Heat, and invisible, instead of visible light. Whatever is combustible flashes into flame at its touch, lead runs like water, it softens iron, cracks and melts glass, and when it falls upon water, incontinently that explodes into steam.

Plasma weapon? Probably won't work due to beam diffusion. MW-range IR ("Heat, and invisible, instead of visible light") laser maybe?

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
Abraham Gubler said:
I wouldn’t be so quick to write off the Martian tripods as described by H.G. Wells. Anything standing on only three legs 100’ high that is able to shrug off a hit by a BL 12 Pounder cannon (76mm) is not going to be vulnerable to contemporary man portable anti tank weapons.

Probably not. But UAVs packed with explosives could be small enough and get close enough to cause damage I guess.
the Royal Marines, SAS, regular anti-tank forces of the British Army -

Nahhh... Send in the Chavs!!!..............................

robunos said:
the Royal Marines, SAS, regular anti-tank forces of the British Army -

Nahhh... Send in the Chavs!!!..............................


You can use the chavs from across the road and the "chavalanche" next door will be useful......

No need to send them back though......
Caravellarella said:
robunos said:
the Royal Marines, SAS, regular anti-tank forces of the British Army -

Nahhh... Send in the Chavs!!!..............................


You can use the chavs from across the road and the "chavalanche" next door will be useful......

No need to send them back though......

Good idea. You'd have to get rid of all that idiotic Human Rights legislation first, though...
Grey Havoc said:
Good idea. You'd have to get rid of all that idiotic Human Rights legislation first, though...

No need for that, Human Rights don't apply to Martians...
Abraham Gubler said:
Grey Havoc said:
Good idea. You'd have to get rid of all that idiotic Human Rights legislation first, though...

No need for that, Human Rights don't apply to Martians...

It applies to Chavs though......
Orionblamblam said:
Abraham Gubler said:
The only way the turn of the second from last century humans were able to defeat a tripod was to ram a 2,500 tonne warship at 18 knots into the legs of one.

It's been a while, but I seem to recall that the problem in taking down a tripod was *hitting* the thing. Cannon of 1900 weren't exactly designed to track moving targets. Still, ISTR that at least one other tripod was at least "injured" by land-based artillery.

You recall correctly. "The Martian inside was slain, splashed to the four winds..." (Oh, how I love that mental image.) And the out-of-control machine smashed into Shepparton Cathedral IIRC.

My interpretation of the Thunderchild battle is that she took the first one out with cannons and then ran the wreckage down, and the second one was an own-goal - it fired down into the deck at near-zero range (perhaps in a panic?) and triggered a magazine explosion that destroyed it.

As for what would happen today: someone (I can't find the clip now) did a fan-vid of the Thunderchild song from the Jeff Wayne musical with a Type 45 missile destroyer in place of the Victorian ironclad. I'll put up the link when I find it.
pathology_doc said:
Orionblamblam said:
Abraham Gubler said:
The only way the turn of the second from last century humans were able to defeat a tripod was to ram a 2,500 tonne warship at 18 knots into the legs of one.

It's been a while, but I seem to recall that the problem in taking down a tripod was *hitting* the thing. Cannon of 1900 weren't exactly designed to track moving targets. Still, ISTR that at least one other tripod was at least "injured" by land-based artillery.

You recall correctly. "The Martian inside was slain, splashed to the four winds..." (Oh, how I love that mental image.) And the out-of-control machine smashed into Shepparton Cathedral IIRC.

My interpretation of the Thunderchild battle is that she took the first one out with cannons and then ran the wreckage down, and the second one was an own-goal - it fired down into the deck at near-zero range (perhaps in a panic?) and triggered a magazine explosion that destroyed it.

As for what would happen today: someone (I can't find the clip now) did a fan-vid of the Thunderchild song from the Jeff Wayne musical with a Type 45 missile destroyer in place of the Victorian ironclad. I'll put up the link when I find it.

Rather than Shepperton, it would have been much better if the Martians had attacked Sunbury-on-Thames, New Malden (the grotty part), Morden, Sutton and Croydon (please)! Of course they would have spared Surbiton & Wimbledon!

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