Stroukoff YC-134A


ACCESS: Confidential
27 March 2022
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Recently I posted a request for info on the Stroukoff YC-134A on another forum and received in reply a great deal of Google fodder, most of which was incorrect, including references to Pantobase, which was applicable to the YC-134, but not the YC-134A (hence my initial query). I note a few threads here about Stroukoff, (even on the YC-134) but nothing much at all on the YC-134A. I've seen just one (small) image of the type on a Wiki page (below), and another poor one in a NASA report. As you can see, it's a lot different to the YC-134 and I'd like to know more. When was it built? What was its serial number and did it see any USAF testing prior to NASA? And what happened to it?

I'd especially like to see some schematics and better photos too! It's a handsome-looking beast after all.


  • YC-134A (2).jpg
    YC-134A (2).jpg
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American Secret Projects 2 - US Airlifters 1941 to 1961 by George Cox and Craig Kaston, Crécy 2019, has a page and a bit about the Stroukoff YC-134 and YC-134A. They write that the YC-134 only had BLC, the YC-134A had BLC and Pantobase skis.
From the book:
The first of three planned pre-production YC-134As was converted from the seventh C-123B built by Fairchild and retained its serial of 54-0556.
The first YC-134A had its initial flight on 23 January 1958. It was delivered to the USAF on 21 February and transferred to NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California, on 6 March 1959.
The second airplane flew on 30 April 1959 but was struck off charge on 2 November 1960, and was used for parts to support the YC-134A, which was itself removed from flight status on 31 May 1961.
The book has a top- and sideview drawing of the YC-134A on page 128, as well as a front three-quarter view of the first YC-134A on page 129.

New copies of the book are still available at reasonable prices, from the UK and the USA.
Thanks; that's not encouraging about the 'skis' comment as it would appear to be incorrect. However it's a start! I have the 'fighters' book so I know they are authoritative and well-researched.

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