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Makes you wonder why they didn't do more with the Tigers, i.e. a guided missile conversion, maybe use one or more of them to get Sea Dart and possibly Ikara to sea instead of building a single Type 82.  Considering their final radar outfit and removal of two of the three Mk6 twin 3", why not delete the final one in B position as well and fit Sea Dart there, then in the 70s replace Seacat with Seawolf and maybe even fit Exocet.  Probably good reasons not to but they were in service, they had large crews but had to be retained for the command control and later their helicopters on two of them, so why not fit them with more systems to increase their flexibility and combat power to better justify their large man power use.

Does anyone know if something like this was considered in the 60s or 70s, I have never seen anything to that effect but it seems strange considering the US, Dutch, Italians, French and Russians all did guided missile upgrades to gun cruisers that the UK didn't, especially as they were planning escort and later ASW/command cruisers.  I'm not thinking about the Seaslug conversions that never went ahead but specifically a later Seadart / Seawolf one and possibly even Ikara, as the primary sensor used for targeting that weapon was the dipping sonar of the Seaking helicopter as it range far exceeded that of a hull mounted sonar against most targets.

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