Streak Eagle Time to Altitude Record Videos


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
27 May 2007
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Some fancy trajectories there.
Impressive videos wonder what an F-22 can do?
bobbymike said:
Impressive videos wonder what an F-22 can do?

On one of them it was 0 to through Mach 1 in 23 seconds. :eek:
The BONE does a little time to climb - from the Air Force Association

BONE Shines in Climb Time: B-1B aircrews with the 7th Bomb Wing at Dyess AFB, Tex., set three unofficial time-to-climb world records during separate flights April 29-May 1 at the Texas base, which is celebrating 25 years of B-1B operations. Wing officials said these marks eclipsed previous records set by C-17 transports. On May 1, pilots Lt. Col. Michael Starr and Maj. William Alcorn took a B-1 carrying a 5,000-kilogram payload to a height of 3,000 meters within two minutes and 25 seconds. On April 29 and April 30, different aircrews flying B-1s with the same mass of payload reached 9,000 meters in four minutes and 47 seconds and 6,000 meters in three minutes 28 seconds, respectively. Maj. Stephen Gerken and Maj. Paul Jones piloted the aircraft on April 29. Lt. Col. Brian Wallace and Capt. Brian Buschur flew the bomber on April 30. (Dyess report by SrA. Felicia Juenke)
Excuse me, but does anyone have good pictures of the Streak Eagle? I have a model under way, and i want to build it in these markings.

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