Kim's had a new attack of the nervous twitches ??

Among other paranoid notions, could he worry 'lend/leasing' a significant number of soldiers to RusPutin will leave DMZ vulnerable ??

Or is he worried China's Xi's successor will want to de-wart themselves, 'close the book' on those ever-exasperating Norks ??
Prompting a flood of near-starved folk to head South ??
I had hoped tensions had been lowered after the 2018/19 talks between Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong Un ...–19_Korean_peace_process
God only knows what's happening because there are certainly zero murmurrings of any planned ground invasion on North Korea. That's a can of dogshit no politician even wants to look at, never mind sniff. Literally the only conflict ever between the two was when the North invaded the South 75 years ago with significant Russian involvement. Their 'fiddling' in the mindfield makes people think they're the ones actually planning a ground invasion. Could they actually be removing mines? What hair-brained scheme has Kim been cooking up with Putin in their talks. This is the problem, no one knows, which tends to make people assume the worst because when the horsemen War and Famine unite for talks, nothing good tends to follow and Pestilence is rarely far behind.

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