Stopped Rotor X-Wing JSF Fighter


ACCESS: Secret
9 February 2010
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Hi everyone,i was surfing the web today,and came across this strange concept,for a stopped rotor fighter.

Like a Sikorsky X-Wing but less cool. B)


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Wow! 2080 and we are still flying out of BIAP. How depressing. B)
sferrin said:
Like a Sikorsky X-Wing but less cool. B)

O, Please Dear God, NO!!!!!

I was involved with the non-classified part of the X-wing project.

Most of us in the aero and acoustics sections at Sikorsky spent a lot of time rolling our eyes, because every time we did analysis of the aerodynamics we found something else that didn't work. We were all very glad the RSRA prototype didn't fly; we didn't want the pilots to get killed.
Is it a case that we don't have the materials, etc, or it just is a fatally flawed concept that will never work?

Also, what about the disc wing varients?
Bgray said:
Is it a case that we don't have the materials, etc, or it just is a fatally flawed concept that will never work?

Also, what about the disc wing varients?

I'd go with 'flawed'... For starters, an aerofoil that has to experience air flow from both directions and be efficient in both cases sounds like 'quite a tall order' ;) Then the location of the pivot to actuate the blades - it needs to be in different positions for different directions of airflow. I could go on...
Bgray said:
Is it a case that we don't have the materials, etc, or it just is a fatally flawed concept that will never work?

Also, what about the disc wing varients?

Flawed concept, mostly because of the controlled circulation airfoils. It was excessively complex and very heavy. In Sikorsky's defense, it was a) a good way to get an unknown amount of "black" project money (projects like this are why many people from the aerospace/defense community think "black project equals wasteful boondoggle."); this was good for the profit margin and b) there were a lot of wacky aircraft/helicopter cross breeding attempts at the time.
swampyankee said:
b) there were a lot of wacky aircraft/helicopter cross breeding attempts at the time.

Thing is there are a lot of "whacky" ideas (Hopeless Diamond anybody?) but sometimes the "whacky" idea turns out to be a gem. But you have to pan that soil to find them.
sferrin said:
swampyankee said:
b) there were a lot of wacky aircraft/helicopter cross breeding attempts at the time.

Thing is there are a lot of "whacky" ideas (Hopeless Diamond anybody?) but sometimes the "whacky" idea turns out to be a gem. But you have to pan that soil to find them.

True, that.

Stowed rotor VTOL aircraft were probably worse than even X-wing. There was also the project with the variable geometry rotor blades. And a variable camber propeller.
I found this on wikipedia,under the name:stopped-rotor combat aircraft.

best regards

hmmmm.... I'll take 325 please. No better make it 350, the accounting is easier.. B)

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