Stop-Rotor Rotary Wing Aircraft (NRL)

As I understand, it's lifted via rotor up to a save height well above the 50 feet needed
for transition, then the rotor is stopped, flipped and the vehicle will plunge down on a ballistic trajectory,
until lifted by the wing. Vice versa when landing.
Interesting, but I somewhat doubt, that this principle will be applicable to larger aircraft and especially
not to manned ones.
It would be interesting to see if they did trades on using entirely double ended airfoils vs symmetrical airfoils. By using a double ended airfoil, you would not need to flip the blade, just level it. The issue of blade vibration while operating in helicopter mode would be offset using standard methods. This would reduce the time of the transition, though it may take longer to stop the rotor.

There was some information about this UAS.

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