stealthy next gen F-5


ACCESS: Top Secret
14 August 2009
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someones interpretation of a stealthy F-5. I like it. Wings and horizontal tail could be bigger. Or how about a yf-23 type pelican tail.

A stealthy F-5 class aircraft with minimal extras. Small Aesa radar, small IR/DAS? Make sure there is enough room as possible for fuel (silent hornet style external tanks?).

A single advanced derivative Super Bug engine, or two next generation small diameter engines that are powerful yet efficient. Fiber optic, electric actuators, Fly by wire, etc.

Small strike and fighter role, domestic and foreign customers...aggressor squadrons...

Can you picture how this would look with red aggressor stars on it?


  • F-5FO-stealth.jpg
    35.4 KB · Views: 685
Just an FYI, the YF-23 did not have a Pelikan tail, it had a butterfly tail. During the X-32 redesign, Boeing considered a Pelikan tail, which is a tail that looks like a V-Tail, but it also has a trailing horizontal section where the hinge is located and distributes the loads more efficiently.

Having said that, it's a kind of interesting design in the image.
Thanks for the correction :D I didn't know the difference. I always (like many others) thought the yf-23 was a very functional and aesthetically pleasing design.
I also really liked the single engine version (speculative?) that there are pictures of somewhere in this site.

Maybe the Boeing TX design will look like a next generation F-5 like the picture above. If they get the contract maybe we will see a single seat version too.


  • Boeing TX thumb.jpg
    Boeing TX thumb.jpg
    75.9 KB · Views: 636
Yeah, I think their T-X is nice looking design as well.

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