Spring-Heeled Jack = Engineering Challenge: 19th Century piston/rocket boots


ACCESS: Top Secret
15 December 2007
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Spring Heeled Jack started out as an early urban legend in the 1830s - leading to mass panic. He is associated with the Bogeyman. By the 1850s he is being novelised as a masked avenger, reclaiming his families estates. In fact, he is the first masked avenger in popular literature - predating Zorro, the Scarlet Pimpernell and comic book super-heros. Speed and jumping ability allowed the hero easy escapes.

A related character is Pérák, the Spring Man of Prague, who is said to have terrorised German occupiers.



In all of these cases, superior speed - and especially jumping ability, are the hallmarks of the hero.

A number of technical solutions are possible in the contemporary era:

I doubt that 1830s technology would allow for an active diesel system similar to Viktor Gordeyev's boots. However, some type of pneumatic spring might work. Alternatively, piston chambers with black powder might provide for sudden jumps.

So, do you have a solution?

- To provide superior speed and/or endurance (relative to pursuers on foot)
- To allow the jumping over a fence or vertical obstacle (higher than pursuers)

- Systems have to use mid-19th century materials
- Multiple systems are allowed (eg. one for jumping, one for running)
- One can assume extreme fitness on the part of the user. In addition, landing can be aided by kneedpads and special hand grips. The safety of the user is not a concern.
I would assume a system similar to the "Pogo boots", principally similar to the wellknown
pogostick, but two of them strapped to the legs, using coil springs. Those may have been easier
available and easier to hide, than 19th century equivalents of the powerbocks, using spring straps.
(I moved this topic to "The Bar", because even for a trained and skilful user of such equipment, we
would hardly talk about "flying" ! ;) )
Ah, the old Spring-heeled Jack stories.

I don't think that there were any accounts of his boots looking too much different from regular boots, either. If you add that to the requirement, I think we would struggle to build such a device with even today's technology. Of course, since his attacks were mostly at night, one might assume that it may have been difficult to see details of his footwear.

While we're at it, maybe we can also figure out how he was able to breath fire. Or levitate.
Levitation at night could probably be done with wires, similar to the well-known Indian rope trick.

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