"Spirits of the Wind: The HF-24 Marut"


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
8 January 2006
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I've just been notified by the publisher that there's another printing of this hardback available. The link to the book on their website is http://www.lancerpublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=940

I've tried to order a copy, but their payment processing firm is having trouble with my Mastercard that's issued by a local Texas bank. Can anyone help me acquire a copy?

Thanks in advance.

I'm having exactly the same problem. Am contacting them directly to ask for help.
Hmm ... I had no problems and to admit it's a phantastic read !!! Hope there will be more to come on similar types (I even hope for a more complete history on Indian failed developmens and projects)

I keep getting "Invalid card number. Please enter a valid credit card number"

The card is bloody well valid and this is the only site it doesn't work with. :mad:
GTX said:
I keep getting "Invalid card number. Please enter a valid credit card number"

The card is bloody well valid and this is the only site it doesn't work with. :mad:
I'm having the exact same problem and I KNOW the card is valid because I used it shortly afterward to order something else online.
@ Greg & Evan,

to admit I'm not sure if I bought that book from the publisher's link posted above but I will check and regardless, I'm sure to find or help with a solution !

CHeers, Deino
Well, I received a BS response! They won't accept VISA Debit Cards but will accept VISA Credit Cards. :mad:

I have told them that this is a ridiculous position given virtually all other international institutions accept such Debit cards in as though they were credit cards. VISA is VISA!

I have challenged them to provide an acceptable answer and a valid payment mechanism. Let's see if they want to do business...
I've now gotten a message from Lancer saying that they're shipping.

I used a Master Card debit card. However, I clicked the credit card button because I thought they might have trouble doing PIN numbers across countries. US Master Card debit cards can be processed as credit cards. (Merchant fees are slightly lower when done as debit but that's not really my issue.)

You might want to try that and see if that works for you. Otherwise, I can try to order more and then ship them to you.

Did you find a search function on the Lancer site? They look to have some nice books but I don't have time to scroll through 545 titles.
Northerndancer2000, you've got an incoming PM. I appreciate your help with this.

In all other things, my experience pretty well parallels GTX's. The ticket filed with the credit card processor got close d with "check you bank". I am not impressed.
Well, I spoke too soon.

Lancer's credit card processor kicked it back claiming that there was a high risk of fraud. They then asked for a copy of my credit card statement and copies of my drivers license and/or passport. This is exactly the information that an identity thief would seek also. While they are concerned about fraud, I am concerned about their security and my identity. I spoke with Lancer who felt that their hands were tied by the credit card processor.

I plan to resubmit the order using a different card with better fraud protection and plan to order 2 extra copies for other members of this board.

However, if they again think that I'm high risk of fraud and ask for my identity documents again, I plan to wait for their expected introduction of PayPal at some point in the future.Or look at sending them some sort of cash-like instrument.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
They asked me for the first 6 and last 4 digits of my C'card, via open email. I told them to go to hell! Given what they just asked you for, which is even more, I would be definitely reporting them to VISA and MASTERCARD as a very high potential identity theft risk. I would also be telling Lancer the same and recommending that they find another form of payment processing...else they risk being seen as aiding and abetting ID theft!
Good News! Lancer sent me a note saying that they actually shipped my copy of HF-24 + 2 extra copies for members of this board. Books supposedly have been dispatched by registered mail. However, I'm holding off celebrating (and asking for funds) until and unless the book are in my hands. I'll keep you posted.
I'll be looking forward to it, assuming they really are on their way. I'd appreciate a PM as to the total due you, and best way to pay, so that I can set the funds aside and not spend them elsewhere.
I ordered the book on 25 June making payment with my Mastercard credit card (they accept only true credit cards issued by banks out of India). The book was dispatched on 28 June and delivered (to Poland) yesterday (3 July). No problems at all with the order and delivery.

As for the book, it is really interesting - many photos not widely known (or available on the Internet), accounts of people engaged in the airplane's development and service. From my own point of view it is a pity that the book gives no details on initial operational requirements of the Indian Air Force that led to the HF-24. There is no information on how the Marut would have looked like with the Orpheus Br.012 engines either.

However there is a laconic information that in 1966 the Ferranti AIRPASS radar was installed in one of the Maruts and succesfully tested - but due to the lack of engines with more power than the Orpheus 703 the project was eventually dropped.

And in a foreword the author mentions 'marutfans website' - I googled this: http://marutfans.wordpress.com/

Does it say anything about the HF-24 that was loaned to Egypt for flight testing the HA-300's engine? I've always wondered if it flew in Indian or Egyptian markings.
Yes, there is a short chapter "The Egyptian Experience" in the book including a photograph of the HF-24 Mk.IBX in Egyptian markings.
Oh, that would make an most interesting model to take to a contest. I wonder how many judges would believe it? I definitely need to acquire this book.

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