Speculation about Mittelwerk, Vorwerk Mitte and S/III

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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Mittelwerk was a SS production site for V-2/V-1 later also JUMO jet-engine and He 162
build with slave labour is one of cruelest chapter of Mankind history
the parts came from North from "Bulldogge" or "Iltis" a underground factory, (today Nuclear waste storage facility Morleben)
and from South over Erfurt by Train
like V-2 Engine was tested in Vorwerk Mitte in a slate quarry at Lehenste (Thuringia)
but that site is 127 km (79 miles) south from Mittelwerk

Why so far ?
there allot quarry's in Nordhausen are better suited
but as I look on Goggle Earth, there was something intriguingly:
the Railroad from Vorwerk Mitte past at long Jonastal, the east end of Ohrdruf military training area !
(see picture)

that's SS project: Sonderbauvorhaben III or "S/III"
with Project Codenames: Olga, Siegfried, Burg, Jasmin, 25 tunnels were drill in Jonastal Hill by slave labour
so Wat was the purpose of unfinished S/III ?
this Information was lost in end of the War
after the war allot Speculation came up:
OLGA as new Führerbunker or Wehrmacht high command HQ bunker
Factory for Nazi Atombomb or even Nazi UFO ::)
but there record of Polish slave workers
"to dig tunnels for underground factory to manufacture V-1 rockets (no rockets have been made there to date) GOSSEL ( J1949) camou completed factory no pers allowed near this place which is located about 2 mi N of GOSSEL/on 3 Apr was manufacturing V-1 s and experimentating with V-3s".
Report Nr. 65 in: G-2 Journal HQ's 4TH ARMD DIV, A.P.O. 254, U.S. ARMY National Archives, Washington D.C.

there no V-1 Rockets, maybe they mean V-2 Rocket ?
in this case Vorwerk Mitte postion make now sense, test engine for Mittelwerk and S/III factory
or is this a wild guesswork ?


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V-1 flying bombs were built at Mittelwerk. There was also a synfuels project there with a major refinery to be built at Himmelsburg north of Mittelwerk.
Abraham Gubler said:
V-1 flying bombs were built at Mittelwerk. There was also a synfuels project there with a major refinery to be built at Himmelsburg north of Mittelwerk.

there were several

B11 "Kuckuck" right to Mittelwerk "NI"
"Dachs IV" Öl refinery in Osterode am Harz (had to be move from the Rhenania-Ossag site, Hamburg)
"Gneis" Fuel depo in Ellich, north of Nordhausen
It's astonishing how much resources SS ended up getting control over, I think it rivals the Hermann Göring Werke and other nationalized industries back then. Reminds me of Ministry for State Security in the Soviet Union during the 50's, which had the Interior troops as well as the nuclear stockpile/missiles and Gulag. :(
Hammer Birchgrove said:
It's astonishing how much resources SS ended up getting control over, I think it rivals the Hermann Göring Werke and other nationalized industries back then. Reminds me of Ministry for State Security in the Soviet Union during the 50's, which had the Interior troops as well as the nuclear stockpile and Gulag. :(

Hitler gave general authorisation to the SS and Himmer got his finger in allot companies and resources bevor the War !

Herman Göring Werke were correct labeled Reichs Marschall Hermann Göring = REIMAHG
After the attempt on his life, Hitler trusted the Army less and generally tended to give more control to the SS over secret projects. Even Hitler was interested in starting a company to be called Adolf Hitler GmbH. There was also the Hermann Goering Werke. Eventually, Hitler gave plenipotentiary powers to SS Obergruppenfuehrer Dr. Ing. Hans Kammler.

Most projects involved impressed and slave labor, however, a few were built using only Germans. There is no question that atomic research occurred in this area S-III.
edwest said:
After the attempt on his life, Hitler trusted the Army less and generally tended to give more control to the SS over secret projects. Even Hitler was interested in starting a company to be called Adolf Hitler GmbH. There was also the Hermann Goering Werke. Eventually, Hitler gave plenipotentiary powers to SS Obergruppenfuehrer Dr. Ing. Hans Kammler.

Most projects involved impressed and slave labor, however, a few were built using only Germans. There is no question that atomic research occurred in this area S-III.

that was the failed 20 July plot by count Von Stauffenberg. Hitler gave after this, total controll to SS !

On Atomic research in S/III
there allot rumours and Speculation about a SS-Atombomb
Wat start in 1945 March 4
with a very big exposion on Military training ground in Ohrdruf
a lot People were witnesses to the explosion
an say it was the bigges they saw on that training ground ever.
SS-Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler is one of the observers !
the Witnesses tell it look like "mushroom cloud of atombomb"
this finds in climax with Book "HITLERS BOMBE" by Rainer Karlsch in 2005
the TV doku "ZDF History "Was ist dran an Hitlers Bombe ?" in 2006
they take soilsampel at Military training ground and
check them for radioactivity and Isotopes from 1945. and found NOTHING. the explosion was not nuclear!

S/III was never finished and its intended purpose remain a mystery
all was left is a Plan made by a architect befor the entrance were blown up by Soviets (see Picture)
that railroad from "Vorwerk Mitte" to "Mittelwerk" past at S/III give a assumption on its usage


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Mittelwerk Part of Mittelbau production Site

Mittelwerk start as Wifo depot Ni for Oil reserve of The third Reich
the Tunnels were drill from June 1936 to august 1943
in 1943 on look for a secure V-2 production site and found Ni
the Site were hand over to SS and became Mittelwerk GMBH

but Mittlewerk was part of much bigger production site called "Mittelbau"
Next to Mittelwerk Ni was planed:

B 3 "B3a Anhydrit" "B3b Hydra" two power station for energy supply of Mittelbau
B 4 "Thyrawerke" a Junkers factory with 8000 square meters
B 11 "Zinnstein" a factory with 80000 square meters for Junkers jetengine production
"Kuckuck I" hydrgenation plant & bottling plant
"Eber" Lox production plant & bottling plant for V-2 rocket
B 12 "Kaolin" Aircraft production site of 160000 square meters for "Volksjäger" He 162
B 13 "Kuckuck II" hydrgenation plant & bottling plant
B 14 function unknown,
B 15 function unknown,
B 16 function unknown,
B 17 "Kuckuck" hydrgenation plant& bottling plant with 35000 square meters
B 18 function unknown,

In all those Factory like Mittelwerk, Internees of Nazi concentration camps had work to death!

Geheimprojekte Mittelbau
Manfred Bornemann
Isdn 3-7637-5927-1

the graphic show B12, Ni (Mittelwerk), B11 site (north is on right site)
in Black tunnel complet in march 1945, in white the planed tunnels


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Very interesting research and puzzle. Makes one question whether certain sites were never disclosed after the war, and were used for other purposes.
mr_london_247 said:
And do we know what became of Hans Kammler?

Dark side of the moon:


One would hope Kammler meet a nasty end sometime after the fall of the 3rd Reich but its more likely he ended up in the USA under a new identity working as a consultant for former German weapons technology.
mr_london_247 said:
And do we know what became of Hans Kammler?

according Walter Dornberger, (who in turn said to have heard it from eyewitnesses)
Died Kammler while defended a bunker against an attack by Czech resistance fighters
Sturmbannführer Starck (or wartime aide Heinz Zeuner in other version)
shot Kammler to avoid him falling into enemy hands. on 7 may 1945

according so testimony of his Cardriver, Kurt Preuk and his wartime aide Heinz Zeuner
Kammler commit suicide by cyanide on 9 Mai 1945 in a wood near city of Prague
Three of him killed ??

Ah, it all comes clear-- This was the UberMensch Cloning Project site...

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