Spanish Destroyer Projects


ACCESS: Restricted
14 May 2021
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Hello everyone,

This is my first public post, although I've been a lurker for quite a while. I've been researching Spanish destroyer projects recently, but have hit a stumbling block over a couple of designs that I have seen discussed but without drawings or information to back them up. I'm looking for some help tracking these designs down and as much information about them as possible would greatly help me.

I've already found useful resources such as this | which both describes and illustrates many Spanish projects, although of course sadly in Spanish which I do not speak. Despite that, it's easy enough to get the info and the drawings are amazing. However, there were several other designs I'm interested in researching, namely the following:

Proyecto 142 - Supposedly a Spanish destroyer project I've seen mentioned but I can't find it in the PDF file (unless I'm being blind then please excuse me). And I can't find mention of it anywhere aside from someone's tech-tree proposal for WoWs. The person who made the tech-tree (thoroughly researched, too) listed sources but many of the links no longer work so I've hit a dead end with this one.

Proyecto 135 - Again, another project I've seen mentioned but have been unable to trace

Proyecto 155 and 155-A (and any other variants) - As far as I understand, these are the preliminary studies of the Oquendo-class destroyers, but I haven't been able to track down any statistics or drawings of these and haven't been able to verify just how different they are (or aren't) from the Oquendo specs as I know them (both planned and finalised).

Any help with this would be amazing, and if this has been covered before elsewhere on the forum, I apologise but I've checked thoroughly and I can't find mention of these designs here.

As a side note, are there any good books on the Spanish Navy of the 20th century in English? It's something I'm struggling to find out.

Many thanks,

Sure, here's a quick chart with the ones as I'm aware of:


Sources are the above magazine which you already have, as well as a Russian magazine on the Oquendo class
MKL-200512 Морская коллекция 2005 №12 Испанские эсминцы типа `Окендо` (Автор - Н.В.Митюков)

available here:

I've discussed many of them in the thread here:

Oquendo Variants B, C, and D have extremely minor differences compared to the A version, and the main characteristics are the same, so they're left out of the table. But the russian magazine does go over those
Thank you so much! The chart helps immensely. I shall have to go through the magazine thoroughly once I get the time, it's a superb source. Thanks for the link to the other source and your help. I've seen your discussion on the 148-A and the Audaz et al, it was the starting point for my research. Normally Tzoli's compendium document would've given me the basics of many designs like these, but for some reason, it's lacking the Spanish destroyer designs (apart from the 148-A).

There are navies which I had difficulty of getting info on never-were projects due to the language barrier and the lack of knowledge of which books to get (Digitally because google translate works that way)
Sure, here's a quick chart with the ones as I'm aware of:

View attachment 738720

Sources are the above magazine which you already have, as well as a Russian magazine on the Oquendo class
MKL-200512 Морская коллекция 2005 №12 Испанские эсминцы типа `Окендо` (Автор - Н.В.Митюков)

available here:

I've discussed many of them in the thread here:

Oquendo Variants B, C, and D have extremely minor differences compared to the A version, and the main characteristics are the same, so they're left out of the table. But the russian magazine does go over those
In you table the dimensions line the length is which length? pp, wl or oa?
There are navies which I had difficulty of getting info on never-were projects due to the language barrier and the lack of knowledge of which books to get (Digitally because google translate works that way)
That's fair, I understand. It's only surprising because your document is so tremendously thorough in 99% of other areas. It's been a godsend for me.
In you table the dimensions line the length is which length? pp, wl or oa?
I know I'm not the author, but I think it's overall length because Oquendo's length in the table matches her overall length IRL, as do a couple of others in there. The only exception I can see is Proyecto 142 which says BP.
There are navies which I had difficulty of getting info on never-were projects due to the language barrier and the lack of knowledge of which books to get (Digitally because google translate works that way)
Just PM me whenever you need help with Spanish text
I would but I don't have such books.
In you table the dimensions line the length is which length? pp, wl or oa?
For brevity and readability I used OA length, but the above linked magazine covers all 3 for most of the mentioned designs

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