Spain joins Rafale program


ACCESS: Top Secret
9 January 2010
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So why it didn't happened and what needs to change for them to join? Afterall they operated Mirage-III and F1 already.
If they buy 80-90 Rafales that would improve Rafale's initial export push?
There will be then a "fairer" distribution of the 2 main european fighters, France and Spain with Rafale, and UK, Germany and Italy with Typhoon.
Seems they hesitated for quite a long time, 1985-87 at least. Spanish Rafales would be cool, for sure. Always loved the Spanish Air Force: just like Egypt and Indonesia nowadays, they had all the cool fighters from varied countries (they got two Mirages plus all three big american types: Phantoms and F-104s and F-5s).
It would certainly help the Rafale in the 1990's.
I mean, how likely would the French have given the Spanish any workshare in the Rafale? Not likely, I'd think. That was probably the big draw for the Spanish.
Seems they hesitated for quite a long time, 1985-87 at least. Spanish Rafales would be cool, for sure. Always loved the Spanish Air Force: just like Egypt and Indonesia nowadays, they had all the cool fighters from varied countries (they got two Mirages plus all three big american types: Phantoms and F-104s and F-5s).
It would certainly help the Rafale in the 1990's.
Don't forget the Hornets.... Mark
I mean, how likely would the French have given the Spanish any workshare in the Rafale? Not likely, I'd think. That was probably the big draw for the Spanish.

There are always possible arrangements... France for a start bought CASA 212 and 235 transports. Might be a good place to start.
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