Space vehicle electronics:Principles of guided missile design,David Bruce Newman


as long as all they ask me about is the air war...
31 October 2013
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I was in an antiquarian book shop today for something completely unrelated and saw this, I've only just had a chance to crack the cover but he was a retired USN. captain and president of PRD electronics. A cursory glance shows numerous qualified contributors and published by the institute of naval studies, center of naval analyses of the Franklin institute.

What's already caught my eye in this 1964 book is some great images and analysis of early lunar lander concepts expressly for Apollo and great ICBM and very early ABM concepts as well as interplanetary communications satellite relay systems.

Wasn't cheap but it seems to cover almost every military and commercial space concept they were working on in the states at the time.

Anyone have this book or know of it? Anything I should particularly look out for it that anyone wants pulled?



More images to come, requests happily accepted.

*Edit* couple more images, will get the macro setup out if I have to, so apologies for image quality, at the moment I'm stuck with my phone, but hopefully it wets some appetites. Book is a little too pristine to break the spine for scanning though...



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