Space Shuttle with UK astronaut

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Found out today that the two UK citizens to go into space (Sharman and Peake) both went in a Soyuz. Michael Foale was a US citizen when he flew in the Shuttle.
I admit this came as a bit of a shock as many nations have been able to get a place on the Space Shuttle. Though it does explain why the UK flag has never appeared on a Shuttle uniform or publicity.
Put this in the alt history section as I wondered if anyone had ideas on how to get Brits (or any other nationality) a seat.
From Page 145 of "Guinness Space Flight The Records" by Tim Furness published 1985.

Skynet 4 Payload Specialists, 1984.
STS 71D Prime Cdr Peter Longhurst (Navy)
STS 61H Prime Lt. Col. Anthony Boyle (Army)
STS 71D Back-up Sq. Ld. Nigel Wood (RAF)
STS 61H Back-up Christopher Homes (MoD)

Boyle was dropped and replaced by
STS 61H Back-up Lt. Col. Richard Farrimond (Army)

Page 146 has a photo (clockwise from the top left) of Holmes, Farrimond, Wood and Longhurst with a model of the Skynet satellite. They're wearing overalls with Union Flags at the top of the left sleeves.
From Page 145 of "Guinness Space Flight The Records" by Tim Furness published 1985.

Skynet 4 Payload Specialists, 1984.
STS 71D Prime Cdr Peter Longhurst (Navy)
STS 61H Prime Lt. Col. Anthony Boyle (Army)
STS 71D Back-up Sq. Ld. Nigel Wood (RAF)
STS 61H Back-up Christopher Homes (MoD)

Boyle was dropped and replaced by
STS 61H Back-up Lt. Col. Richard Farrimond (Army)

Page 146 has a photo (clockwise from the top left) of Holmes, Farrimond, Wood and Longhurst with a model of the Skynet satellite. They're wearing overalls with Union Flags at the top of the left sleeves.
Sorry, those missions were scrubbed after Challenger was lost. In the real world STS 61 and 71 took place in the 90s.
Strangely enough I was attached to our mission to NATO at the time and remember the ghastly images of Challenger on my TV and then the folks from MOD and BAe taking in what it meant for Skynet.
However, as an alt history where Challenger flies safely (wish, wish) it is the answer to my question.

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