Soyuz 19 Return Photos

Mark Nankivil

ACCESS: Top Secret
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13 June 2007
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Hi All -

I was impressed with the photos taken of the Soyuz 19 returning to Earth:

Is that a back up chute still packed in the side hatch?

Enjoy the Day! Mark
Mark Nankivil said:
Hi All -

I was impressed with the photos taken of the Soyuz 19 returning to Earth:

Is that a back up chute still packed in the side hatch?

Enjoy the Day! Mark

if you refers to
yes that Back up chute
Scrolling down my initial reactions was that its the less glamorous way to get back.

But then you get carried from capsule to own helicopter. A press conference in Kazakh regalia. Turns out, it is actually the more glamerous way to travel.

The out-going american way is like, collect your bags, leave from the nearest exit, thanks for flying nasa.

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