Soviet / Russian RWR (Sirena, Beryoza, Pastel)


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14 January 2006
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Okays, I have finally found some of my "smarter" posts from earlier activity. This one explains basics (as in the manual) about using Sirena-3M RWR and few catches. I guess everyone can picture how earlier models functioned based on this, but still if someone has something first hand sure as hell we'll be glad to hear...


If Sirena3M owner is "lighted" by airborne or ground radar working in frequency Sirena3M is able to receive you will be informed about that by looking into light on display which will determine from where your primary threat is coming, and also you will hear the sound signal.

Catch no 1:

Your home airfield has landing system RSP7 or RSP6 and it is currently turned "on". This will cause all four channels of Sirena3M to activate and signalize threat, as soon as you leave your hangar, and in the air untill you go some 25km from home base. If you are on "Scramble" mission in war condition simply tell the ground crew to turn the bloody thing off.

Threat in "search" mode:

In case Sirena3M owner is "lighted" up by radar in search mode, sound signal as well as visual signal (light on display) will happen according to search period of detected radar.

Determining from where your threat is coming from:

Upper left light is turned "on":

- Your threat is forward left from your current position (1/4-3/4)

Both upper lights are turned "on":

- Your threat is straight ahead (0/4)

Upper right light is turned "on":

- Your threat is forward right from your current position (1/4-3/4)

Both right lights are turned "on":

- Your threat is on your three o' clock (4/4)

Lower right light is "on":

- Your threat is coming behind and right from your current position (1/4-3/4)

Both rear lights are "on"

- Aaarrrgh! He is at your six!!!!

Lower left light is "on":

- Your threat is coming behind and left from your current position (1/4-3/4)

Both left lights are turned "on":

Your primary threat is at your nine o' clock (4/4).

As your threat is closer and closer to you you can expect to hear/see your signals up to three times more often.

Density of your sound signal increases rapidly and your lights are flashing now -> this means that radar of your threat is tracking you now (oh no!)

As distance from your threat decreases finally all channels of Sirena3M will become active (and you won't have plain idea what is going on). This depends on strenght of your threat's radar, thus distance from your threat when this will occur is not fixed.

Checking Sirena3 functionality while in flight:

Turn your radar on, then activate "Kontr" (check) switch. It should report your own radar now. If it doesn't -> Sirena3 malfunctioned.

Ps: It is absolutely delightful that Sirena-3M is tested by removing safeguard while own radar is working. Su27 manual hints that its SPO15 RWR interferes with own radar and own jammer... but more about that when we speak about Su27 stuff...
This is the topic about RWR on MiG29 aircraft. We won't speak about Su27's RWR here because it is only visually similair but helds many different attributes. Lower text gives a crack course about slightly advanced stuff so we assume reader alredy has idea how display looks like and what is what on display. Also text is ment to describe manual and pilot experience on 9.12B purchased by Yugoslavia and those aren't only 9.12Bs but also ancient ones often physically different among themselves - so if something said here does not go with experience of other airforces please do not correct me, but instead tell your experience, model and country involved. Of course if my *awesome* translating skills cloud the truth - we'll do our best to sort things out...

As overscan said SPO15 has cards with memorized radar emissions and it uses those cards and program attached to "rezognize" threat and to determine primary threat.

Program is made in such fashion that primary threat is ALLWAYS Nike Hercules. In absence of Nike Herc primary threat is tracking one. If all detected radars work in similair regimes, program will consult cards for information which system (in which composition detected radar participates) is the most dangerous one.

SPO15 is optimized for fighting American/West european systems, eastern are obviously low prioritized.

P - F4, F104, Harrier and similair
Z - Seawolf, vulcan and similair small garbage
H - Hawks (basic and improved)
N - Nike herc and Patriot
F - F14/15/18/16
C - F5 and various European stuff

Measuring range or closure dynamics with primary threat:

Strenght of received signal is reversely proportional to square distance of primary threat.

My science English is bad but hope you are catching my point. In the matter of fact I have trouble to explain on proper English most technical stuff, however if you don't understand my rambling I can repeat that on Serbian, since we have here many Serbian/English speakers perhaps they will be able to express themselves more properly.


Basic blinking frequency is 2Hz because that is what happens when Nike Hercules is attempting something nasty.

If aircraft is "lighted" by only one radar, or if radar is recognized as "primary threat" SPO15 will show type of the threat, angle from where the threat comes from and those lights will remain "on" 8-12 seconds after "lighting" of SPO15 owner is finished. Also if cycling period of radar owned by main threat is less than 8sec there won't be any blinking but information about that radar will be constantly present.


In case of radar in search mode detected SPO15 beeps depend on cycling period of antenna belonging to that radar.

In case of radar in track mode (while tracking SPO15 owner) just like in Lock on game.

In case of missile launched this depends from system to system. Nike Hercules will cause sound volume to change as well as tonality.

In case some of you end in battle here are some hints on tunning SPO15:

Use SPO switch to turn it on,

Chose desired volume with "gromce" (louder) if you have turned off the sound you will notice on indicator "Zvuk. otkl."

SPO modes:

You can choose between SPO modes by using switch "Obzor. otkl/Obzor"

If Obzor.otkl all radars in search, track while pass or track while scan modes will be erased from display.

If Obzor everything within envelope will be shown on display.

It would be wise to check out before flying is SPO15 working or not.

Switch Kontr switch to Avt and indicator of functionality (MiG21 pitot tube) will be turned off and everything else will be turned on. Wait 5-7 sec and indicator of functionality should be on again, if it isn't the case your SPO15 malfunctioned, and it is the time for small private conversation with crew chief behind the hangar. After you are done with checking return Kontr switch to neutral and all lights except functionality indicator must turn off. If it is not the case -> see above.

Switch Kontr to Rucn (manual) and do it repeatedly to check out sensitivity of each sector of SPO15 by checking the number of "signal strenght lights" with values you will find in special manual. This is meant to be done on ground.
Heres an illustration of SPO-10 / Sirena-3M from a MiG-23; first, the display, then the control panel.


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SPO-15 pictures

  • Photo by 'Sniperpilot' at Keymags Forum
  • Ildar Bedretdinov, The Attack Aircraft Su-25 and it's Derivatives, Novosti, 2002


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Experiences in various air wars (e.g. Iran-Iraq, various Middle East conflicts) showed Sirena systems to be quite poor, intended only to warn of immediate lockons at short ranges. They also were useless at detecting pulse doppler type radars. Only those Iraqi types equipped with SPO-15 Beryoza seemed able to detect the F-14's AWG-9 radar.
SPO-15 (L006) on the Su-27SK, from Technical Manual


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SPO-3 design was finalised by OKB-373 'Avtomatika' in 1957, tested, and accepted for service in 1959. Production started in 1960. In 1965-66 OKB-373 released an updated SPO-10, " executed on the microelement base".
In 1969 began the development of aircraft detection equipment and direction-finding RLS of new generation - SPO -15 (series production from 1973). System SPO -15M, created in 1982 for equipping the aircraft of the fourth generation, obtained the device of coupling with the automatic machine of the ejection of passive jamming. In 1987 the experimental model of digital station SPO-15Ts, was prepared.

Some of the Iraqi aircrafts were equipped with SPO-15 RWR, especially the Mig-25, SU-22 M3, SU-M4 and SU-25. In actual combat against the Iranians and the US the RWR worked promptly and as advertised. This led the Iraqi AF at a later date to equip some of its Mig-23ML with such a RWR. The EW department of the Iraqi AF demanded from the French in 1985 to equip the next batch of the Mirage F-1EQ6 with a French RWR with a similar performance to the SPO-15.
Consider the installation shown in Overscans' picture

" SPO-15 (L006) on the Su-27SK, from Technical Manual"

Serial 4 shows the elevation antennae: where exactly are they? The lower appears from the diagram to be just under the port LERX leading edge (although I've never seen it on a photo). Where is the upper antenna - it is not clear
lewradar said:
Serial 4 shows the elevation antennae: where exactly are they? The lower appears from the diagram to be just under the port LERX leading edge (although I've never seen it on a photo). Where is the upper antenna - it is not clear

No, they are symmetrically located along the aircraft longitudinal axis, almost fluch with the skin. The upper one is in a small bump just behind the canopy hinge and forward of the non-directional monopole antenna. The lower one is under the cockpit, forward of the nosegear bay.
Different modifications SPO- M reflected improvements in the station in the part of a increase in the sensitivity of receivers, introduction of the digital modules of selection of targets and decrease of the mass of equipment. The sensitivity of the receivers SPO of last modifications makes it possible to reveal the contemporary radio-electronic systems of enemy at the distance, which exceeds the range of active detection of the protected aircraft. Such SPO- M in the lightened performance (“B”) are established on the aircraft MiG-31 and Su-27.

The application SPO in the complex information field is hindered because of the use of tuned radio receivers without the selection in the carrier emission frequency. Partially deficiency is removed by the introduction of the specialized processor for processing of a large quantity of current data, that come from receivers SPO. For radical resolution of this question it is necessary to additionally use a selection in the emission frequency, that ensures, in particular, the superheterodyne reception the new concept of the construction of equipment of the station of warning e connected with it.

The at the end 80th of years it was created and past the laboratory finalizing SPO of superheterodyne reception with pulse reconstruction of the carrier frequency. Realization on board the new generation SPO brought domestic developments closer to the best world models of the receivers of the systems of electronic reconnaissance. Appeared the possibility of designing of the contemporary domestic station of electronic reconnaissance for the destroyers, according to the mass-and-size characteristics of close one to SPO of the first generations.

From Fedosov
TsKBA Avtomatika were originally OKB-373 and specialised originally in tail warning radars. The NII-17 originated PRS-1 was passed to them, and they then developed further with PRS-2, PRS-3, PRS-4 tail warning radars.

From the 1950s they became involved with development of the first radar warning recievers, the SPO-1 and SPO-2. In 1957, the design of the SPO-3 was finalised, which for the first time had full coverage angular coverage, visual indication of threat direction and audible warning tones.

In 1965-66 the SPO-10 was created as a modernised version of SPO-3 with new microelectronics.

In 1976, design of the SPO-15 was finished [design started in 1969], and by 1978 it was in production. This could produce warning on hostile search as well as tracking, determine type of threat and level of danger.

In 1982 SPO-15M added an automated link to the chaff dispensers.

In 1987, a digital SPO-15Ts was prepared, passing plant tests in 1989 and test flights on a MiG-29 in 1991.

From 1981, work was ongoing on a new generation RWR, Pastel. The frequency range of received signals was substantially extended, digital processing of information with the automatic determination of the type and mode of RLS used, and generation of commands for onboard ECM equipment added. A new clearer display was displayed on cockpit MFDs. Flight design tests of “Pastel” were passed in 1987 on the Su-25T. At the same time began work on SPO “Pastel-K” for the aircraft of other types.

In 1999-2000 SPO “Pastel-K” passed tests as part of the Su-30MKK avionics systems. The first deliveries of series of stations this type to Komsomol'sk-na-Amur for Su-30MKK began in 2001.

(Article by TsKBA)

Some scans from leaflets I picked up at MAKS2007 in stands of CDBA and the production plant "Avtomatika".


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Su-27 RWR antenna

I'm trying to get my head around where the RWR antenna are on the various Su-27 versions.

They are either on intake sides, wing leading edge or on the tail stinger?
There are multiple antennas on the SPO-15. There are two high precision antennas facing front (triangular blades on intakes on Su-27), two low precision antennas facing rear (usually on tail somewhere) and two low precision elevation sensing antennas, usually on top of and below wing.

Su-24 and bombers used high precision antennas at rear instead of the low precision ones, in triangular fairings, so they can tell directionality of threat all round.
There are still more in that channel. Thanks for posting :D

The second video that depicts antenna dis assembly showed lens antenna with 4 elements and one big dielectric lens. im curious about those holes in the lens.
It's clearly show that i need more info on antenna design.
Fascinating stuff.
This may well be some kind of Rotman Lens (multi-beam antenna).
Look it up on Google, you'll find some info.
Can someone tell me what bands according to NATO classification the SPO-15 sees?

The Su-27SK Technical Manual lists the radars that the SPO-15 can detect.

Among the radars is the F-111, which, as far as I know, in all modifications (which were serial), had J (Ku) Band radar.

There is also the Patriot SAM. As far as I know, it has AN/MPQ-53 G, H band radar.

So SPO-15 can see G, H, I, J Bands?

Are there any books that categorize SPO-15 by NATO band?
Can someone tell me what bands according to NATO classification the SPO-15 sees?

According to the manufacturer's website the SPO-15LM covers a frequency range of 4.4 - 10.3 GHz. I'm not sure how the SPO-15LM differs from the standard SPO-15, but I gather it's a newer version (so presumably better than the original).

In terms of NATO bands:
  • G Band: 4.0 - 6.0 GHz
  • H Band: 6.0 - 8.0 GHz
  • I Band: 8.0 - 10.0 GHz
  • J Band 10.0 - 20.0 GHz
So the SPO-15LM covers 80% of G band, all of H band, all of I band, and a tiny bit (3%) of J band. So saying it covers J band would be a charitable interpretation, to say the least.
According to the manufacturer's website the SPO-15LM covers a frequency range of 4.4 - 10.3 GHz. I'm not sure how the SPO-15LM differs from the standard SPO-15, but I gather it's a newer version (so presumably better than the original).

In terms of NATO bands:
  • G Band: 4.0 - 6.0 GHz
  • H Band: 6.0 - 8.0 GHz
  • I Band: 8.0 - 10.0 GHz
  • J Band 10.0 - 20.0 GHz
So the SPO-15LM covers 80% of G band, all of H band, all of I band, and a tiny bit (3%) of J band. So saying it covers J band would be a charitable interpretation, to say the least.
If the Enemy radar is operating partially in the RWR band, does he see it? For example, if the radar is operating in J, is 3% enough to see him?

Does the radar change the available frequencies? Or how is that configured?
If the Enemy radar is operating partially in the RWR band, does he see it? For example, if the radar is operating in J, is 3% enough to see him?

Does the radar change the available frequencies? Or how is that configured?

"J Band" covers 10-20GHz. A given radar will generally operate in a narrow band of frequencies for which its hardware is optimised, not an entire band. So a given J Band radar might be tuned to 11GHz plus or minus a little bit say a few tens or hundreds of Hz.

General Electric AN-APQ-116 radar of the F-111A operates at 16GHz I believe, so is outside the detectable range of the SPO-15.

Don't forget SPO-15 is designed to warn of radar / missile threats to the aircraft only, its not an ELINT station. The F-111A is unlikely to be a threat.

The F-111 reference in the SPO-15 manual most likely relates only to the F-111D, whose Rockwell Autonetics AN/APQ-130 digital radar was completely different to the General Electric radar of the F-111A. It had MTI, doppler beam sharpening, and some significant air-air modes planned with Sparrow AAM compatibility, and hence represented a potential air-to-air threat. It most likely operated in I/J band below 10.3GHz. When the SPO-15 was designed, this Mark II avionics fit was expected to be the future for the F-111.

The radar was a pig, very unreliable, and was effectively replaced by the 16GHz General Electric AN/APQ-144, an improved AN/APQ-119 which was an improved version of the F-111A's AN/APQ-116. Air-air capability was shelved.
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"J Band" covers 10-20GHz. A given radar will generally operate in a narrow band of frequencies for which its hardware is optimised, not an entire band. So a given J Band radar might be tuned to 11GHz plus or minus a little bit say a few tens or hundreds of Hz.

General Electric AN-APQ-116 radar of the F-111A operates at 16GHz I believe, so is outside the detectable range of the SPO-15.

Don't forget SPO-15 is designed to warn of radar / missile threats to the aircraft only, its not an ELINT station. The F-111A is unlikely to be a threat.

The F-111 reference in the SPO-15 manual most likely relates only to the F-111D, whose Rockwell Autonetics AN/APQ-130 digital radar was completely different to the General Electric radar of the F-111A. It had MTI, doppler beam sharpening, and some significant air-air modes planned with Sparrow AAM compatibility, and hence represented a potential air-to-air threat. It most likely operated in I/J band below 10.3GHz. When the SPO-15 was designed, this Mark II avionics fit was expected to be the future for the F-111.

The radar was a pig, very unreliable, and was effectively replaced by the 16GHz General Electric AN/APQ-144, an improved AN/APQ-119 which was an improved version of the F-111A's AN/APQ-116. Air-air capability was shelved.
Does this mean that if the radar has a J band, it can operate on any frequency from it, or does it mean that its frequency is just inside that band?

For example, the F-16 has I-band radar. He can select any frequency from it or one specific frequency where he's located?
A J band radar's frequency is within J band, it doesn't mean that it can work on any frequency between 10 and 20GHz.

Wavelength x frequency = constant (speed of light), so if frequency varies, then wavelength varies. At 10GHz wavelength is 3cm, at 20GHz wavelength is 1.5cm.

Wavelength and antenna construction are very closely linked. It is hard to design a low-sidelobe radar antenna that works equally well across a wide range of wavelengths / frequencies.
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A J band radar's frequency is within J band, it doesn't mean that it can work on any frequency between 10 and 20GHz.

Wavelength x frequency = constant (speed of light), so if frequency varies, then wavelength varies. At 10GHz wavelength is 3cm, at 20GHz wavelength is 1.5cm.

Wavelength and antenna construction are very closely linked. It is hard to design a low-sidelobe radar antenna that works equally well across a wide range of wavelengths / frequencies.
I.e. if some RWR only covers part of the band, we can't tell if it will see the radar or not without knowing the specific frequency of the radar operation?

Why then does NATO specify the frequency of radar operation so roughly? Or a particular instance of RWR may happen to have a different frequency within the band due to inaccuracies?
the Enemy radar is operating partially in the RWR band, does he see it? For example, if the radar is operating in J, is 3% enough to see him?

It depends. RWR or RHAWS's TID (Threat Identification Database) Not only contain frequency but also other parameters like PRF and pulsewidth which correspond to the threat radar's operating modes.

The RHAWS/RWR may "see" the radar but if it's considered (according to TID) to be non threatening or not in modes where it can engage target it may not report it or for more advanced RHAWS only display it on screen.

For example, the F-16 has I-band radar. He can select any frequency from it or one specific frequency where he's located?

This depend on operating modes and later constrained by bandwidth available to the transmitter and then antenna design. It may say use the lower part of its operating band, say 8-8.5 GHz for generic search and TWS operation, can maybe engage too if AMRAAM is available. While higher part of the band, say 9 GHz for ground mapping, STT or Blind bombing operation.

It cannot be selected arbitrarily or require user input.
I.e. if some RWR only covers part of the band, we can't tell if it will see the radar or not without knowing the specific frequency of the radar operation?
Yes, exactly so, by definition. Again, unsure why this is tricky. Basic maths.
Why then does NATO specify the frequency of radar operation so roughly?
The bands cover the entire spread of radar frequencies. Different bands are typically used for different radar applications. You couldn't have a system with separate bands for each possible frequency a radar could use, that would be crazy. The designation system covers 0 - 200 GHz, so even one designation per 1000KHz would be 200,000 distinct "bands".

I band (8-10GHz) is typically used for airborne air-to-air radars. The lower portion of J Band (adjacent to I band) is sometimes also used. This is mostly because the wavelength size is compatible with the physical size of antenna you can easily accommodate in a fighter.

Air -to-surface radars often used J band as the smaller wavelength was better for mapping (prior to synthetic aperture radar at least). Air-to-air range was typically a little lower but this was less important for strike aircraft.

D Band is used for AWACS type radars.

Or a particular instance of RWR may happen to have a different frequency within the band due to inaccuracies?
This is incomprehensible.

A RWR will be designed to receive a specific set of frequencies that covers likely threat radars. Early RWRs often had limited coverage of frequencies, later ones typically cover a wider range via multiple receivers and wideband receivers. A spiral antenna can easily cover say 2-18GHz, but then you might need a separate reciever for VHF/UHF signals below 2GHz.
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Yes, exactly so, by definition. Again, unsure why this is tricky. Basic maths.

The bands cover the entire spread of radar frequencies. Different bands are typically used for different radar applications. You couldn't have a system with separate bands for each possible frequency a radar could use, that would be crazy. The designation system covers 0 - 200 GHz, so even one designation per 1000KHz would be 200,000 distinct "bands".

I band (8-10GHz) is typically used for airborne air-to-air radars. The lower portion of J Band (adjacent to I band) is sometimes also used. This is mostly because the wavelength size is compatible with the physical size of antenna you can easily accommodate in a fighter.

Air -to-surface radars often used J band as the smaller wavelength was better for mapping (prior to synthetic aperture radar at least). Air-to-air range was typically a little lower but this was less important for strike aircraft.

D Band is used for AWACS type radars.

This is incomprehensible.

A RWR will be designed to receive a specific set of frequencies that covers likely threat radars. Early RWRs often had limited coverage of frequencies, later ones typically cover a wider range via multiple receivers and wideband receivers. A spiral antenna can easily cover say 2-18GHz, but then you might need a separate reciever for VHF/UHF signals below 2GHz.
Thank you for that explanation. I'm left with one simple question:

Does it appear that the SPO-15 is horrible and disgusting? It literally can't see the J band, which is where a lot of SPAA escort radars operate. Similarly, the upper band does not see many detection antennas that operate in the area of 10-15cm wavelength.

SPO-15 was put on Su-25, Su-24, which could constantly face SPAA.

And the USSR had an older SPO-10, which (as far as I know) saw in the range of 2-4 centimeters. Did they take a step back when developing the SPO-15?
Does it appear that the SPO-15 is horrible and disgusting? It literally can't see the J band, which is where a lot of SPAA escort radars operate. Similarly, the upper band does not see many detection antennas that operate in the area of 10-15cm wavelength.

SPO-15 was put on Su-25, Su-24, which could constantly face SPAA.

You must also think about how hard actually is the SPAA to aim and take shot on high subsonic to supersonic target. Especially for Su-24. Stinger and Strela was actually seen as the bigger threat thus why Su-24 have Mak-UL MAWS while Su-25 eventually receive IR Jammer.
Thank you for that explanation. I'm left with one simple question:

Does it appear that the SPO-15 is horrible and disgusting?
Not really, Iraq greatly preferred it to the Mirage F1's Thomson-CSF BF RWR and the SPO-10. They even jury-rigged SPO-15 to the MiG-23.
It literally can't see the J band, which is where a lot of SPAA escort radars operate.
I don't think NATO had a whole bunch of deployed SPAA threat systems in J band. Gepard, yes, M163 Vulcan was I band. Also, Su-24 / MiG-27 had Kh-25 and Kh-29 which could keep it out of AA range.
Similarly, the upper band does not see many detection antennas that operate in the area of 10-15cm wavelength.
A RWR is focused on tracking radars, not search radars. The aim of an RWR is to warn when someone is tracking you, and when they have launched a missile. Search radars pinging you is not a warning event.

The major threats prioritised in SPO-15 were Patriot/Nike Hercules, pulse-doppler and pulse fighter radars, and Hawk. All of which are covered just fine.
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P - F4, F104, Harrier and similair
Z - Seawolf, vulcan and similair small garbage
H - Hawks (basic and improved)
N - Nike herc and Patriot
F - F14/15/18/16
C - F5 and various European stuff
From Manual
П – облучение ЗРК «Терьер» или самолетами типа F-4, F-104 с одновременным включением подсвета для наведения ракет типа «Спарроу»;

З – облучение ЗРК типа «Чапарел», «Вулкан» или ЗРК «Сивульф»;

X – облучение ЗРК типа «Хок» или самолетами F-14, F-15, F-16 и F-18 (с больших дальностей);

Н – облучение ЗРК типа «Найк-Геркулес», «Патриот», «Талос»;

Г – облучение с малых дальностей самолета F-14, F-15, F-16 и F-18 или ракетой «Феникс» с РТС (возможно высвечивание сигнала Г совместно с сигналом X);

С – облучение самолетами типа F-4, F-5, F-104, F-111 (без включения канала подсвета), МИРАЖ, ЯГУАР, ЛАЙТНИНГ или ЗРК типа "Терьер", "Кроталь",

P – irradiation of the Terrier air defense system or F-4, F-104 type aircraft with the simultaneous activation of illumination for guidance of Sparrow type missiles;

Z – irradiation of air defense systems of the “Chaparral”, “Vulcan” or “Seawolf” air defense systems;

X – exposure to Hawk-type air defense systems or F-14, F-15, F-16 and F-18 aircraft (from long ranges);

N – irradiation of air defense missile systems of the Nike-Hercules, Patriot, Talos types;

G – irradiation from short ranges of an F-14, F-15, F-16 and F-18 aircraft or a Phoenix missile with an RTS (it is possible to display the G signal together with the X signal);

C - irradiation by aircraft of the F-4, F-5, F-104, F-111 type (without turning on the illumination channel), MIRAGE, JAGUAR, LIGHTNING or air defense systems of the "Terrier", "Crotale" type,
I find it very interesting that in both you can see the second signal strength indicator segment flash at 2 hz to show weapon engagement range. In addition the Su-25 showing category “X” for X band radar, and that despite the maneuvering you never the 90 degree light, which only lights up at close ranges.

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