Soviet NTK VMF WWII projects

Kresta II

ACCESS: Confidential
26 September 2006
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During WWII, the Soviet NTK VMF (Scientific and Technical Committee of the Navy), among other tasks, was engaged in the design of ships of various types, from battleships and aircraft carriers to boats. Since the war between the Soviet Union and Germany was fought mainly in shallow seas, on rivers and lakes, a significant part of the projects were developed for operations in these areas. Basically, these were preliminary designs of small ships (destroyers, minesweepers, gunboats, river monitors), on the basis of which more detailed designs were created in design bureaus.

Some little-known wartime projects of NTK-developed ships or ships analyzed in NTK.

Part I - River warships

1.Floating battery based on two 'Tender'-type utility boat in two variants: warship010_resize.jpg


2.Floating battery on the motor pontoon SP-19:


3."Medium" river monitor (probably pr.304) :


4. "Small" river monitors (probably pr.303)- variants 1-2, 3, and 4:


View attachment 697192


5.Sectional "small" river monitor RMRM:


6.River gunboat:

Part II - auxiliary naval ships.

1.A boat for setting smoke screens at naval bases (based on the utility boat "KM-4"):


2.Armed hydrographic vessel:


3."Universal" tank landing ship (LST):


4. Landing fire support gunboat:

Part III - Naval warships

1. Minesweeper pr.264:


2. "Small diesel patrol ship" (corvette) "MDSKR"- 1 and -2 (probably pr.39) - variants with a forecastle and flush deck:



3."Diesel patrol ship" pr.37-D (destroyer escort) - a variant of the "small destroyer" pr.37 with diesel engines:


4. "Medium" destroyer:


5. "Big" destroyer pr.40:


6.And well-known aircraft carrier pr.72:

I am pretty sure I have some excellent drawings of the two river monitor projects back home. I forgot about those- beautiful ships!

The destroyer escort and medium destroyers look like great 1/1200 projects.

Thanks for posting!

Are you sure that these drawings had correct data?
I have different data for these:

Project 72 carrier:
Dimensions: 273,5(oa) x 33,5 x 8,65m
Displacement: 30.755tons (standard) 37.390tons (full load)
Engine power: 144.000shp 4 shafts, 56km/h, 18.500km (30knots and 10.000nm)
Armour: 90mm Belt, 80mm Deck
8x2 130mm DP-AA
16x 85mm AA (either 8x2 or 4x2,8x1)
12x1 37mm
24x 25mm or other light MG (likely 12x2)
Aircraft: 62 planes

Project 40 Destroyer (Baseline design, it has sub variants: L, A, B, IE, IL, H)
Dimensions: 135(oa) x 13 x 4,45m
Displacement: 3.670tons (standard) 4.050tons (full load)
Engine power: 81.200shp 2 shafts, 66km/h, 11.000km (36knots and 6.000nm)
Armour: 90mm Belt, 80mm Deck
3x2 130mm DP-AA
5x2 37mm
2x3 533mm TT

The turrets on the drawings looks very similar to the Cold War 130mm/58 SM-2-1 Pattern 1957 gun turrets rather the more likely choice of the 130mm/50 B-13 Pattern 1936 or /55 B-13U Pattern 1941 gun turrets, note that the Project 40 destroyer was from 1944.
I am pretty sure I have some excellent drawings of the two river monitor projects back home. I forgot about those- beautiful ships!

The destroyer escort and medium destroyers look like great 1/1200 projects.

Thanks for posting!

I have more detailed materials on sectional "small" river monitor RM RM. If you are interested, I can provide them later.

In the drawing "diesel patrol ship" pr.37-D above the forward gun mount should be a 25-mm twin AA gun mount, but it is not indicated in this drawing.
Are you sure that these drawings had correct data?
I have different data for these:

Project 72 carrier:
Dimensions: 273,5(oa) x 33,5 x 8,65m
Displacement: 30.755tons (standard) 37.390tons (full load)
Engine power: 144.000shp 4 shafts, 56km/h, 18.500km (30knots and 10.000nm)
Armour: 90mm Belt, 80mm Deck
8x2 130mm DP-AA
16x 85mm AA (either 8x2 or 4x2,8x1)
12x1 37mm
24x 25mm or other light MG (likely 12x2)
Aircraft: 62 planes

Project 40 Destroyer (Baseline design, it has sub variants: L, A, B, IE, IL, H)
Dimensions: 135(oa) x 13 x 4,45m
Displacement: 3.670tons (standard) 4.050tons (full load)
Engine power: 81.200shp 2 shafts, 66km/h, 11.000km (36knots and 6.000nm)
Armour: 90mm Belt, 80mm Deck
3x2 130mm DP-AA
5x2 37mm
2x3 533mm TT

The turrets on the drawings looks very similar to the Cold War 130mm/58 SM-2-1 Pattern 1957 gun turrets rather the more likely choice of the 130mm/50 B-13 Pattern 1936 or /55 B-13U Pattern 1941 gun turrets, note that the Project 40 destroyer was from 1944.
All the drawings and data given are taken from this Russian book "Naval Science during the Great Patriotic War" about the wartime work of the NTK VMF, ANIMI & NIMTI. Most likely, they are taken from the reporting albums about the work of NTK VMF in WWII.

The data you provided on the aircraft carrier pr.72 probably refers to one of the preliminary projects - there were 3 of them in total: with a capacity of 30, 45 and 60 aircraft in the hangar. Here is the most detailed one for 30 aircraft.

The development of the SM-2 turret was started at the end of 1943 on the basis of the assignment issued by the ANIMI on September 2, 1943. TTZ for the turret was approved on April 25, 1944 by the Chief of the Naval Artillery Department. The development of the preliminary design was carried out by TSKB-34 under the leadership of E. G. Rudyak. The preliminary design was submitted for approval on February 3, 1944. The project was based on technical solutions adopted by German designers when creating the SKC-33 105 mm.

Therefore, its use in the preliminary design of a advanced destroyer was quite logical.


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Unrealized projects of Soviet river monitors.

1-2.Sectional "small" river monitor RMRM - the main variant and the variant with an additional collapsible wheelhouse installed:



3. The scheme of dividing the monitor into RM sections for transportation:


Bonus - projects of heavy and medium Soviet river monitors.

4. "Heavy" monitor for the Amur River (pr.SB-57) -1939:

Heavy monitor_1_resize.jpg

5. "Heavy" (reclassified to "light") monitor for the Danube river - successor of pr.SB-57 - 1940:

Heavy monitor_2_resize.jpg

6."Medium" monitor for the Amur river - armor scheme - 1941:

Medium monitor_resize.jpg

7-8. "Heavy" monitor for the Danube river and its armor scheme - 1941:

Heavy monitor_3_resize.jpg

Heavy monitor_4_resize.jpg

9."Heavy" monitor pr.SB-57 and Danube river 1941 data:

Heavy monitor_5_resize.jpg

10. "Heavy" monitor - unknown project late 1940s:

Heavy monitor_6_resize.jpg

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