Soviet Navy unbuilt projects

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
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27 September 2006
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Has anyone found a good book on Soviet navy unbuilt warship designs?

I know there is a lot of material here and on other websites, but I like a good heavy book to put my cuttings in!

uk 75
Stalin's Ocean Going Fleet by Rohwer and Monokov and Russian and Soviet Battleships by Steven McLaughlin are both excellent. McLaughlin also has a manuscript on Russian and Soviet Cruisers but I don't think it has been published yet.
I would definitely recommend "Stalin's Ocean Going Fleet" by Rohwer and Monokov- it nicely covers Stalin's entire period in office so is full of both pre-war and post war designs.
Nick JFC

Thanks for the steers. I wll follow up.

Is there anything on the 60s-90s Soviet Navy (Gorshkov era)?
I've never come agross any english language one, infact the only book I know which focus on never-build projects is the A.N Sokolov's "alternative" book but its in russian language. Rest of the stuff is bit and pieces spread around various books but even those are usually in russian. There is hardly any good and detailed book about the ships that were build in english for that matter.
JFC Fuller said:
I would definitely recommend "Stalin's Ocean Going Fleet" by Rohwer and Monokov- it nicely covers Stalin's entire period in office so is full of both pre-war and post war designs.
Me too , is interesting book !
i have seen there also ebook version on google play and on !
On you need adobe digital editions for receive ebook
I would recommend using Calibre instead of Adobe Digital Editions.

Also availabe for OS X and linux.

How to make it deal with DRM - helpful in case your e-reader dies:
Stalin's Ocean Going Fleet" by Rohwer and Monokov

A reprinted edition is available here:

I already ordered it.

Not being a Navy expert, I found the Russian-language book, named "Alternative. Unbuilt ships of Russian Imperial Navy and Soviet Navy".
56 pages, written by A.N.Sokolov, published in 2008 in Moscow, Russia.

Some pictures from it.



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Agree, that book is wonderful.
Pity not to have it translated to English.
pometablava said:
Agree, that book is wonderful.
Pity not to have it translated to English.

I am agree with you : a translated english version of this book could be useful !!!

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