Oddly, this one is not yet shown on the Crecy/Hikoki website, nor on either the U.S. or U.K. Amazon sites. Interesting..... ???
It's definitely published now ... I hold a copy in my hands ;) . More than 400 pages with all kind of weird stuff. A new side on Yefim Gordon's books: There are many colour side views inside for better visualisation. It's a mine of information. (And probably a 'first' in Gordon books, the publication has an index!)
I received my copy today. This is a fascinating book! A lot of great information, well illustrated. This book has everything from the ridiculous to the sublime!

For instance: What's a Rafaelyants Toorbolyot?
Answer: It's the Soviet version of the "Flying Bedstead"!

Other aircraft include the Mig-21 "Analogue" to test the Tu-144's wing shape, avionics testbeds with lots of bumps and humps, and a bunch of Tu-4 engine testbeds. Also, experiments in aerial refueling, ejection seats and VTOL concepts.

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