Someone's missing a S300 battery !??


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2 January 2006
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Or did I misunderstood anything ?

sadly, i don't understand Russians

but if i interprets the picture, someone made a walkout on Russian base for snapshots
please, tell me that was a abandoned base...
was wishfull thinking, I'm in panic mode now
Disturbing they just left those there like that. Somebody should get a verbal ass-kicking for that.

Michel Van I don't think it is wise to add to the rather overblown reputation the S-300 has of being some sort of superweapon. :-\
People are going to start believing the S-300 and S-400 can sink our whole Navy next.
Colonial-Marine said:
Michel Van I don't think it is wise to add to the rather overblown reputation the S-300 has of being some sort of superweapon. :-\
People are going to start believing the S-300 and S-400 can sink our whole Navy next.

Its not because of S-300
i concerned about the Russian nuclear weapon storage, is it in same condition?
Michel Van said:
i concerned about the Russian nuclear weapon storage, is it in same condition?

Wholly unsupportable: Sometime in the early/mid 1990's, I watched a piece on CNN about the latest nuclear treaty It started off showing a bunch of USAF and Russian brass standing around a Titan silo somewhere in the US; they and the cameraman looked down the hole and saw a Titan ICBM (without warhead) in the silo, with technicians working on it. Cut to a bit later and a bit further away, and it turns out what the techs were doing was putting explosives on the missile. *BOOM.* No more Titan.

Video then cuts to somehwere in Russia or Siberia. Deep forest area. The same brass, along with a whole lot of Russian grunts, walk out into a brush-covered clearing. One of the techs finds some instrument on the ground, does whatever he needs to do, and the cover of a missile silo slides open. Camera pans down into the silo. The voiceover explains that what they were supposed to find was an ICBM with the warheads in place. The warheads were to be removed, and the missile blown up just like the Titan. When the camera looked down the hole, there was... nothing. No warheads, no missile. Russin brass starts going bonkers, techs start running around like crazy, video cuts off.

Oddly, that was the first, last and only time I ever saw anything on that.
Yeah, I remember the time when "everybody" were afraid of Russian nukes getting stolen by or sold to terrorists. I guess we don't have the right to feel calm yet.

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