Some 9/11 wreckage discovered

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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Hardly surprising - there are corners of New York (shall I say, Manhattan) that are pretty unacessible. Don't know the english word, but in French the unaccessible space between a couple of buildings is called a "dent creuse" (an hollow tooth ?)
Al-Qaeda is keeping a finnish couple as hostage in Jemen.

Could we discuss how they could be released ?
One reporter told today that he had seen them alive this week.
Finns haven't done anything concrete to free them.
They were kinapped in city of Sana last year.
Orionblamblam said:
In general, though: find what your enemy values, and then threaten to stuff a lit H-bomb up it unless you get what you want. Be prepared to follow through, though.

And what do you do when that is exactly what they want you to do?
GTX said:
Orionblamblam said:
In general, though: find what your enemy values, and then threaten to stuff a lit H-bomb up it unless you get what you want. Be prepared to follow through, though.

And what do you do when that is exactly what they want you to do?

You do it.

What do you do when someone holds a gun to your childs head and says "shoot me or I shoot your child?" You give them what they want. Sometimes the best way to deal with a whackjob is to produce a perveted "win-win" situtation. Granted, sometimes the result will be the creation of *more* whackjobs. But the Kzinti are a valuable lesson here: if swatting whackjobs creates more whackjobs, you keep swatting whackjobs until the "swatting whackjobs creates more whackjobs gene" is eliminate from the subject group.

As for the Finns: they would not seem to have many options apart from appealing to either larger more powerful nations... or hiring some mercenaries.
Orionblamblam said:
topspeed3 said:
Could we discuss how they could be released ?

Send in the Finnish Marines? Have Hans Blix send a strongly worded letter?

In general, though: find what your enemy values, and then threaten to stuff a lit H-bomb up it unless you get what you want. Be prepared to follow through, though.

As for the landing gear, there is suspicion that it didn't land there, it was hidden there.

I think there was strong confusion about who has them...untill yesterday when the reporter sighting came public. I think they have austrian too which had been on a video too...and with a ransom claim. His faith is unclear.
Although we're in "The Bar" here, jumping from 9/11 wreckage in NY to hostages in Jemen means quite a
bit of straying OT.
Not sure, if a thread about dealing with kidnappers will last long, but at least it should be kept
separated from other, not related topics, I think.
topspeed3 said:
Why not...both were Al-Qaeda plots weren't they ?

Many things are Al-Qaeda plots; that doesn't mean this thread is dedicated to them all; either start a new thread or don't discuss it here.
topspeed3 said:
Why not...both were Al-Qaeda plots weren't they ?

It's quite simply written in the title !
There's nothing about Finnish or Austrian hostages, so your question "Could we discuss how
they could be released ?" can just be answered with "Yes (in accordance to the forum rules !!),
but not here in this thread"
Getting back on topic:
On Coast to Coast AM Monday someone called in to host John Wells and asked "with the discorvery of the plane pieces at ground zero now do you believe real planes actually hit the towers instead of holograms or remote control drones"
I suspect as time goes by more things will be found. It's just the nature of a situation where huge things with millions of parts collides with stationary objects. Didn't they find pieces of the Challenger explosion years after that happened too?

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