Sncase Se.200 Crash.


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27 June 2019
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I have been looking for information about Se.200 crash but cant find anything other than a photo of the plane after its crash. Was it scraped? or is it still in its original crash site?

Does anyone know any good books or information regarding this detail?

So, which one is of interest to you ?

The first aircraft, christened Rochambeau flew on 11 December 1942.[4] Following testing, it was seized by the German occupation and taken to the Bodensee, where it was destroyed in an air-raid by RAF Mosquitos on 17 April 1944.[5] The remains of the first SE.200 were raised by Dornier in 1966.[6]

A USAAF raid on Marignane on 16 September destroyed the second SE.200 and badly damaged the other machines.[5]
Enough work on the third SE.200 had been carried out to make salvage worthwhile after the war. This aircraft eventually flew on 2 April 1946 but was damaged in a hard landing in October 1949 and was not repaired.[6]

Plans existed to also complete the fourth aircraft, but these did not eventuate and it and the fifth machine were scrapped.
Some more photos from:
Les avions français aux couleurs allemandes Vol.2 (Avions HS n°40 by Philippe RICCO)
Histoire-des-Hydravions-de-l-Etang_by Henri Conan / Mémoire de l'hydraviation.

- SE-200 n°1"Amphitrite" performed her first flight on September 1942, the 11th. (registration F-BAHE). Sized by German troups in November 1942 and re-registrated 20+01. Transfered on Constance Lake along with Laté 631 n°1 "Eole" (F-BAHG then 63+11) and Potez-CAMS 161 n°1 "Picardie" (F-BAGV then VE+WW, then 16+11). Destroyed on April 1944 the 6-7th night. Remains were recovered in February 1961 and scrapped.
- SE-200 n°2 (60+02) was damaged beyond repair at SNCASE's Marignane factory on March 1944, the 9-10th night, during a bombing raid. Then scrapped.
- SE-200 n°3 (F-BAIY) performed her first flight on May 1946 the 2nd. She performed several endurance flights (some discrepancies found: vibrations,etc... The aircraft was then presented in Marseille Harbour, at the Festival du cinéma of Cannes, etc..). She then was used by the CEV (Test Flights Center) between June 1947, the 18th and November 1950, the 16th. On October 1949 the 18th, she was severely damaged and repaired with components from SE-200 n°4. Last flight recorded: November 1950, the 16th. The n°3 was then shown in static at Marignane (in front of the now Marseille-Provence International Airport) for several years before been scrapped at Vitrolles (close to Marignane).
- SE-200 n°4 (F-BAIZ) was never completed and sold for scrap. Some components bought back by SNCASE for the repairs of the n°3 in 1949.


  • SE200 n°1 at Marignane 3.jpg
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  • SE200 n°1 Constance 1.jpg
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  • SE200 n°1 Profile 1943.png
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  • SE200 n°2 at Marignane1.jpg
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  • SE200 n°3 at Marseille.png
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  • SE200 n°3 at Vitrolles.png
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  • SE200 n°3 in flight.png
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The one in Vitrolles survived until 1966 but was ultimately broken up... from Le Fana 1998 memories somebody wanted to turn it into a restaurant and it was to be ferried via a canal... unfortunately its span prevented that so the project was scrapped. The aircraft was abandonned near Vitrolles and later scrapped.
Thanks for the information. I curious about the Se.200 Vitrolles because there wasn't any information I could find about it. Sad to see it was scrapped.
Yes very sad. F-BAIY, the third and oldest SE-200 to survive WWII, spent 15 years on a roundabout at Marseille Marignane Airport (1950 1965 aproximatively - see the photo with the firemen truck ) before being removed as too degraded. And it was beached at Vitrolles when the restaurant project failed. It might have survived otherwise: one of the few surviving Breguet Deux Ponts met a similar fate and it is still exists nowadays.
Yes very sad. F-BAIY, the third and oldest SE-200 to survive WWII, spent 15 years on a roundabout at Marseille Marignane Airport (1950 1965 aproximatively - see the photo with the firemen truck ) before being removed as too degraded. And it was beached at Vitrolles when the restaurant project failed. It might have survived otherwise: one of the few surviving Breguet Deux Ponts met a similar fate and it is still exists nowadays.
Re-Deux ponts, yes the one near Tournan en Brie. Went to see it some years ago, bad shape :/ I read that appart from restaurant, the poor beast served some time as a swingersclub (pour s'envoyer en l'air...).
Sic Gloria...
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Well if brothels can help large aircraft survival then why not ? merci aux petites femmes de Pigalle et d'ailleurs...
I'm familiar with another Deux Ponts, the one at Evreux transport air base... I have some step family in Evreux. This aircraft is being restored at least.

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