Smashing a car with a rocket sled. (Must see)


but I prefer this one!

One of the videos that is available after your video, sferrin, it the 10,000km/hr rocket sled test of "some advanced aerospace" design. I have pondered what this system might be (my guess is a hypersonic Deeply Buried Hard Target defeat warhead) anyone else speculate your input is welcome.
bobbymike said:
One of the videos that is available after your video, sferrin, it the 10,000km/hr rocket sled test of "some advanced aerospace" design. I have pondered what this system might be (my guess is a hypersonic Deeply Buried Hard Target defeat warhead) anyone else speculate your input is welcome.

Looks like an armor penetrator. The target is hard to see, but is clearly relatively thin, probably armor plate. A ground penetrator would, I imagine, have been shot into a block of concrete, a pile of dirt, something like that.
The 6000 mph record shot was a test of the SM-3 KKV against a target simulator. The sound of the impact is pretty impressive. I'm more interested in the motor though:

"The Super Roadrunner motor developed specifically for the Hypersonic Upgrade Program produced 228,000 pounds of thrust for 1.4 seconds and weighed only 1,100 pounds. The maximum acceleration of the sled was 157-g’s, or 157 times the force exerted by gravity. When the payload impacted the target, it had 363 mega joules of energy – that’s equal to a car impacting a brick wall at 2,020 miles per hour."

So the sled's peak acceleration was 50% higher than a Sprint missile.

edit: The payload was a "25lb payload". I can't find the article that said it was an SM-3 KKV simulator.

A different test but you get the idea:
that rocket sled video is from Seasion 7 episode #115 "Demolition Derby Special"
on testtrack of the New Mexico Tech. located in Socorro, New Mexico.
NMT on Mythbusters

here in crash in slowmotion

forget cutting tree with Gatling
here transform a Gatling a car too Swiss cheese from Hell
Last edited:
here transform a Gatling a car too Swiss cheese from Hell

Okay, you take this round!! ;)

Is that gun in service? If not, why not??

From Sferrin - The 6000 mph record shot was a test of the SM-3 KKV against a target simulator. The sound of the impact is pretty impressive. I'm more interested in the motor though:

"The Super Roadrunner motor developed specifically for the Hypersonic Upgrade Program produced 228,000 pounds of thrust for 1.4 seconds and weighed only 1,100 pounds. The maximum acceleration of the sled was 157-g’s, or 157 times the force exerted by gravity. When the payload impacted the target, it had 363 mega joules of energy that's equal to a car impacting a brick wall at 2,020 miles per hour."

So the sled's peak acceleration was 50% higher than a Sprint missile.

So my next questions; What was the Hypersonic Upgrade Program and for the energetic material scientists out there. Does anyone know what the chemical composition of the propellant was/is? Sorry for all the questions but "material science" including energetics is one area that holds incredible promise for "military overmatch" capabilities. Simply stated if your armor is better and your weapons have a bigger BOOM you make warfare, for the other guy, pretty difficult.
bobbymike said:
From Sferrin - The 6000 mph record shot was a test of the SM-3 KKV against a target simulator. The sound of the impact is pretty impressive. I'm more interested in the motor though:

"The Super Roadrunner motor developed specifically for the Hypersonic Upgrade Program produced 228,000 pounds of thrust for 1.4 seconds and weighed only 1,100 pounds. The maximum acceleration of the sled was 157-g’s, or 157 times the force exerted by gravity. When the payload impacted the target, it had 363 mega joules of energy that's equal to a car impacting a brick wall at 2,020 miles per hour."

So the sled's peak acceleration was 50% higher than a Sprint missile.

So my next questions; What was the Hypersonic Upgrade Program and for the energetic material scientists out there. Does anyone know what the chemical composition of the propellant was/is? Sorry for all the questions but "material science" including energetics is one area that holds incredible promise for "military overmatch" capabilities. Simply stated if your armor is better and your weapons have a bigger BOOM you make warfare, for the other guy, pretty difficult.

The Hypersonic Upgrade Program was the program to get the sled up to hypersonic speed. (They said they could get it to Mach 10 if somebody needed them to.)
sferrin said:
The 6000 mph record shot was a test of the SM-3 KKV against a target simulator. The sound of the impact is pretty impressive.

I think the bang is amplified by the fact that it should pretty much coincide with the sonic boom of the passing sled shortly before the actual impact.
Trident said:
sferrin said:
The 6000 mph record shot was a test of the SM-3 KKV against a target simulator. The sound of the impact is pretty impressive.

I think the bang is amplified by the fact that it should pretty much coincide with the sonic boom of the passing sled shortly before the actual impact.

Don't know how much the sonic boom adds to it but a 363MJ impact isn't going to be quite.

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