Small Earthquake on US East Coast

Demon Lord Razgriz

ACCESS: Confidential
31 October 2008
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5.8 about 3.7 miles deep around Mineral, Va. Felt it here in North Carolina, and seems to have triggered bomb alert in DC.

Anyone else here feel it?
I'm in DC but was in the Metro at the time it hit- did not notice anything, except after coming home and finding stuff had fallen off the shelves and onto the ground. It took me a good ten minutes to convince myself it was not an elaborate prank put up by my roommates!
Yep, we felt it all right. I don't think there were any real bomb scares in DC. Just overly cautious federal security procedures. You never know if the 5.8 is the foreshock to an even bigger one, but that doesn't appear to be the case here.
5.8? Meh.

Graham1973 said:
Orionblamblam said:
5.8? Meh.

LOL! (Only to the GIF)

My sympathies to all those hurt

Reports are that there were either no or only minor injuries. Out here on the West Coast of the US, a 5.8 is what we use to stir our coffee (or lattes for you in Seattle).

Wait! ... This just in! Actual photo of the devastation wreaked by this horrible natural disaster:


  • estcoastquakedmg.jpg
    65.8 KB · Views: 4
5.8 would normally be considered quite a scary one, but I guess it depends on how close to the surface the tremor actually was. I've been reading reports saying it wasn't really that strong.

Like this one:

Makes it sound like not a big deal at all.

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