Sky Spear LRAAM

How long is this long range AAM tho in terms of range.
"Rafael’s sources did not specify the range but said it significantly exceeds the I-Derby ER, which is Rafael’s longest-range AAM."

Wiki says that means well over 100km.

Interesting that they made it a triple pulse engine (boost-sustain-endgame), but is RF-only.
Interesting that they made it a triple pulse engine (boost-sustain-endgame), but is RF-only.
But if it's single stage there's no guaranteeing that the end game will be burning during the end game. It may have finished, or it may not have started.
But if it's single stage there's no guaranteeing that the end game will be burning during the end game. It may have finished, or it may not have started.

The seeker will know when the endgame starts and can fire that third pulse when needed.
The seeker will know when the endgame starts and can fire that third pulse when needed.
Doesn't the third pulse automatically takeover when the 2nd ends since this is presumably solid propellant and a single stage, unless there's some kind of dividing wall between the stages?
The seeker will know when the endgame starts and can fire that third pulse when needed.
Doesn't the third pulse automatically takeover when the 2nd ends since this is presumably solid propellant and a single stage, unless there's some kind of dividing wall between the stages?

That's how it's done -- a thin film between the pulses that can prevent one from igniting the next until a specific trigger is applied.

For example, Raytheon has a patent for a kind of propellant that is electrically initiated and can be used as a separator between rocket motor pulses.
Also the Sky Spear is said to be smaller. Not only smaller control surfaces but its also only 3.5m long
if it is this small, i guess they're aiming at IAF once again(and maybe at LIFTs all over the world)
Sounds as a great bargain for all 6-t class light fighters around the world.
Yeah and they would be ready for integration into F-35. My guess that range wise it is around Amraam range
So as i read myself trought it again and based on what we know this are the stats it has:
Length 3.5m
Diameter 16cm
Span under 64cm
Weight less then 118kg (i guess somewhere between 100 and 110kg)
Guidance active seeker (probaly AESA)
Warhead ~20kg (23kg has i derby)
Range over 30 nautical miles and probaly more than 100km (160km range)
Speed somewhere around mach 4

Many this are based on i derby as i believe it is based on it (would make sense)
if it is this small, i guess they're aiming at IAF once again(and maybe at LIFTs all over the world)
Sounds as a great bargain for all 6-t class light fighters around the world.
Doubt since they have Astra now.
No more like a smaller amraam. Probaly smaller Control surfaces, it is shorter 0,15m and a little thicker Diameter of 180mm instead of 178mm.
Don't know about Sky Spear fitting the F-35A weapons bay, depends on the size of the front fins on the missile.
Atleast the company is waiting for someone paying for the integration If the american allow it.

"According to the Haifa-based company the Sky Spear can be fitted to any western aircraft; should a customer require it for the F-35 a slight modification should be made, once the US would authorise its integration and following technical negotiations with Lockheed Martin. The new missile is slightly shorter than the I-Derby long range weapon, hence around 3.5 metres, its control surfaces also being smaller."

I guess that means clipped control surfaces?
Sounds like they have been looking at the latest AIM-120 AMRAAM then by the looks of things, if they are going to do clipped control surfaces.
Probaly mutch smaller Clip (i think) but i can't say mutch to it as i can't even say If the 180mm are right.

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