Silent HAWK SAM Missile


ACCESS: Restricted
5 December 2008
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Quick question, I was reading the Wiki entry for the HAWK SAM systems and came across the following

Silent Hawk: A former "black program" from the 1990s that hid special Hawk missiles with passive sensors within select US Army Hawk batteries deployed in Europe. Most of the soldiers, except a small group in each unit, were completely unaware of the special equipment which included a special separate sensor disguised as a load bank on heavy generators, firing displays and power generation equipment that made it all work.

Has anyone stumbled across any other information regarding this weapon ? I have tried Google searching and all I get is links about the Stealth MH-60s?

I wonder if it was a similar weapon to the Patriot with Home on Jam ECCM?

I'm also curious as to its target, airborne or ground borne emitters.


The wiki statement is completely unsourced, and was added by an anonymous user a couple of years ago. Don't assume it represents anything real.

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