SIB-A: Canard Delta Aerodynamic Test Vehicle observed at SIBNIA

That does sound like a 1.42 test article. When the 1.44 was revealed one of my first thoughts was that it resembled HiMAT, they've noticed the same thing here. Possibly a test article used to evaluate a given aerodynamic layout, seems like the vertical tails were a bit further outboard then they ended up on the 1.44.
When this was reported 20 years ago (incorrectly spelled SYB-A) it was linked to the Su-47.
The original article describes the SIB-A wings as 'delta/swept' not having forward sweep however it does say the outer wings were obscured.

Also the description of the canards and their location seems more consistent with 1.42 layout than either S-32 or S-37. It could have been a generic test model by SIBNIA patterned after HIMAT.
If it was at Novosibirsk, it may be a subscale demonstrator for NOVO-C...
SibNIIA: no flying prototypes, even subscale, of anything in USSR era. Either static/fatique/thermal test articles or wind tunnel models.
Didn't necessarily mean a flying demonstrator, although the above document seems to leave that possibility open. But it was located at a facility adjacent to NAPO - where NOVO-C was identified. Just an interesting thought.
Consider too, in the late '70s when what was to become known as the Sukhoi Su-27, was spotted, it was thought to be a VG aircraft and initial artist concepts showed it as such.

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