Shorts PD.17 VTOL Fighter Jet Take-Off Platform


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
26 January 2011
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Looking for drawings and info about the Shorts S.17D VTOL "platform" which was intended to carry the English Electric P.17A precursor to the TSR.2.
And old drawing, mainly based on Derek Wood "Project Cancelled", just the underside view added and with
wheels, as shown in an artist impression in the mentioned book.


  • Shorts_P-17D.gif
    40.7 KB · Views: 458
Thanks! Thats perfect. Any idea what lift engines were to be used?
According to Derek Wood:
44 fixed RB.108, 16 tilting RB.108 and ten RB.108 or 145 with 60° jet deflection.
A dream for every jet engine manufacturer ! ;)
RR definitely weren't going to go bust if it had been adopted... ;)
I do not know where you got the designations S.17D or even P.17D from...

The project was part of the "PD." series of Short designs and was designated PD.17.

The fighter was part of the "P." series of English Electric designs and was designation P.17A.

What I do not know is whether the presence of the number "17" in both was purely coincidental or not.

I'm attaching a couple more pictures:
  • an old three-view arrangement
  • a period illustration showing the P.17A atop the PD.17
  • three CG renderings recently posted by BAE Systems (and wrongly labeled as P.17A + "P.17D"... :-\ )


  • PD.17 lifting platform.jpg
    PD.17 lifting platform.jpg
    20.8 KB · Views: 334
  • PD.17 & English Electric P.17A(OR.339 Submission).jpg
    PD.17 & English Electric P.17A(OR.339 Submission).jpg
    51.5 KB · Views: 313
  • Fighter Jet Take-Off Platform (Photo BAE Systems).jpg
    Fighter Jet Take-Off Platform (Photo BAE Systems).jpg
    28.6 KB · Views: 296
  • Fighter Jet Take-Off Platform.jpg
    Fighter Jet Take-Off Platform.jpg
    28.5 KB · Views: 289
  • P17A jet fighter and P17D platform.jpg
    P17A jet fighter and P17D platform.jpg
    28.9 KB · Views: 108
Stargazer2006 said:
I do not know where you got the designations S.17D or even P.17D from.....

Easy to answer: From the same source, I've got the basic drawings from. Derek Woods "Project
Cancelled". Sorry, if I was taken in by a faulty designation. :-\
Maybe the "P.17" designation was meant to mark the whole system ?
Jemiba said:
Stargazer2006 said:
I do not know where you got the designations S.17D or even P.17D from.....

Easy to answer: From the same source, I've got the basic drawings from. Derek Woods "Project
Cancelled". Sorry, if I was taken in by a faulty designation. :-\
Maybe the "P.17" designation was meant to mark the whole system ?

That's what I thought too at one point. But at that time Shorts and English Electric were still independent companies and their projects were not numbered in the same sequence. Only possibility I can see is if the Shorts PD.17 was also designated by E.E. as the P.17D, but that is quite a stretch without evidence from company documents.

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