Shellshock Bash vulnerability "bigger than heartbleed"

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
Reaction score
Now we have Shellshock to plague us.

Or not. If your Unixy OS is not using the Bourne shell then you have little to worry about. The sky remains firmly planted where it is.....
Then again, the server that this message board is hosted on very likely has BASH and is currently in a vulnerable state.....
Media hyperbole again. "Shellshock" only causes problem where CGI scripts use bash.
Kadija_Man said:
Media hyperbole again. "Shellshock" only causes problem where CGI scripts use bash.

Respectfully, this is not correct. Exploits already exist for services such as DHCP. Aside from the currently-released exploits, we are far from a full understanding of this issue given bash's common inclusion in underlying services and scripts. In addition, the bug can be used as part of an exploit chain for sites using Python, PHP, C++, and the like due to their common use of the shell.

Almost all Unix-like OS's include bash. This includes many firewalls, switches, routers, and other things that most folks don't think about when they update their systems. Stay on top of patches - it's critical!

Source: I am the director of security for a high-volume service provider processing a great deal of money per year. Before that I've worked on DARPA-funded projects as well as very visible (and visited) websites.

TL;DR: Patch people, patch!
PS: the first patch issued for many Linux OS's was quickly followed by another. Be sure you're staying current.
markfward is quite right about the seriousness of this exploit. About half the systems on the Internet (as a rough estimate) have bash installed - besides many of the world's web servers and Internet routers, there is also the "Internet of things" - smart appliances from cameras to automatic garage doors to spacecraft - many of which have an OS with bash installed. It can be exploited in many ways - CGI scripts are just one of them.

Keep an eye out for the security updates and don't wait around to install them.
Considering the recent demo of an attack against qmail mail alias forwarding, it's starting to look like email servers are vulnerable too. The bigger problem is this is not a bug per se, as bash is a local shell doing exactly what it is being told to do. Patching will have only limited effect. The real problem is not sanitizing untrusted (network) inputs before passing data off to a parser or other program. The DHCP demo works because DHCP server reply data text was passed to network card configuration scripts which use bash, with zero sanitization. Quite a lot of programs from the late 80's and early 90's were made when university network environments were relatively trusted, so little thought to direct security requirements were done by the developers, many whom did it for free on their own time. Somehow many of these things became part of trusted internet infrastructure without serious (re)auditing, and do quirks many are afraid of doing serious rewrites (the busybox guy says this a lot, as busybox is used a lot in embedded hardware).

Heartbleed happened because the TLS heartbeat code was largely written for a Ph.D thesis by a grad student, and this seemed to be the norm throughout the OpenSSL codebase. The same sort of naive thinking and poor coding practices from the early WWW era are now facing an actively hostile internet. Which is being protected by security researchers who focused on more exotic memory bugs, when a lot of the current crop of serious issues will have come from more basic and easier to attack issues in software. Also, open source sofftware bugs as of late show the many eyes make bugs shallow concept may be a fallacy, in so much as it is a tragedy of the commons where anyone could have checked, but everyone assumed someone else did.

The upside is the actively scanning botnets have largely infected their targets already for the low hanging fruit of common CGI URL's by the end of the weekend (more like mid friday), so next week is mostly watching for more unexpected bash usage holes like the qmail bug. So by next weekend, pretty much any internet facing service with a well known port and an exploitable means to access bash will be nailed. The real horror is all the unpatched and unpatchable enterprise IT systems lurking on internal networks. Much like the slammer and conficker worms, which never seem to die away, this will probably be with us for a long time. We might be lucky that iOS and android don't seem to have easy bash related holes (yet, knock on wood)

With this, the debian APT bug, the NSS bug, and the jguery site hijack, this has been a long week for some people.
So, now that all the major SSL libraries (OpenSSL,gnuTLS,NSS, and now Schannel) all had remote code execution possible major bugs for a fairly long time, the rabble are pointing at NSA revelations of SSL attacks as probably these bugs. Thus the conspiracy nuts are foaming at the mouth about the low probability of coincidence. The reality I suspect is closer to some guy in a secure room in Virgina going "Awww man, I gotta make [redacted] all over again?"

At least Microsoft had the good graces to upgrade Schannel in this patch so Windows 2003 now has TLS 1.2 capability and a few new ciphers. Because 2003 is supported till spring of 2015 and the reality is it will probably survive in large quantities until 2020 (when the hardware it runs on finally dies), the remaining survivors being virtual machines squirreled away running legacy enterprise apps...
I wonder how many of these exploits were found by NSA with the intention of patching them on secure systems vs found for purposes of exploitation. I suppose it's not either or but I assume more than once one of these exploits made their way into the wild after someone caught an NSA or 61398 compromised machine acting in a way it wasn't supposed to and figured out how it was exploited even if they don't know by whom.

There must be plenty more up the collective sleeves of the world's cyber warriors (don't you hate that nomenclature?) but I guess you want to save them for a worthwhile target while at the same time knowing at any moment that 'sploit you were saving for a special occasion might be noticed and patched.

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