alertken said:
So: today: the Cold War would be ongoing much as through the 50s.
that is a little bit to easy, alertken
there are to much point of divergence (PoD)
-The USA can start in 1973/74 first Gulf war against OPEC in order to break Oil Embargo
with same trauma like Vietnam war?
-Nixon has good chance to become 1968 President without Vietnam War
-Even if H.H.Humphrey is President in 1968 there good chance in 1972 or 1976 for a Republican President
like Ronald Reagan or W.P. Rockefeller, who push the Soviet union to economical collaps
-Soviets will go to Afghanistan, they saw Wat happend to US troop in Vietnam and still they went with open eyes in there trauma
Why ? because the communist government of Afghanistan ask the big Soviet brother for Help
-Soviet union and People's Republic of China can go to War (almost happen over border dispute in 1968)
under Leonid Brezhnev the Soviet union was doom
Brezhnev had the brilliant ability to ignore vital Problems and suppress reforms, Wat let in Soviet union downfall of 1991
but Wat if we was kill in 1969 by Viktor Ilyin ?
in that case Alexei Kosygin & Yuri Andropov had ruled and reform the Soviet union
maybe it would still there today