Seeking Soviet Experimental/Concept Aircraft (especially from the 70s or 80s)


ACCESS: Restricted
22 August 2019
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Im looking for any sort of pictures of experimental Soviet aircraft, the more unusual the better.
I've combed thru several threads and I'm still searching as we speak but I'm mainly finding prototypes of the Su-37
Well, if you are looking for photos of actually built experimental aircraft that didn't enter production from this period, there's not really much to find. Lots of concepts that never made it past paper studies though. Can you clarify a bit, its rather a vague request. The Soviet Union wasn't big on "X-Planes".
This topic maybe?
Western Artists' Concepts of Soviet aircraft during the Cold War
I'm mainly looking for artists renditions of experimental Soviet aircraft. It doesn't matter if their fantasy or not.
A small list to start with for 70's and 80's Soviet experimental aircraft:

MiG 1.44
Sukhoi T-10 (T10-24, P-42)
Sukhoi Su-37 Berkut
Yakolev 141
More LLs:

MiG-21 "Analog" (Tu-144 wing planform testbed)
Sukhoi 100 LDU (FBW testbed)

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