Seeking Information on the 1948 Allis-Chalmers Gas Cooled Naval Reactor (USN)

Delta Force

ACCESS: Confidential
23 May 2013
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If anyone can help me find out more information on this, I would be greatly appreciative.

Around 1948, the United States Navy signed contracts for the development of three prospective naval propulsion reactors. The first two are most well known, being the Westinghouse pressurized light water reactor and the General Electric sodium cooled reactor. However, there was an obscure third contract signed with Allis-Chalmers for the development of a gas cooled nuclear reactor. It was canceled shortly after. I've been able to determine that the reactor was apparently going to be helium cooled, and was based off of a design from Oak Ridge, although I am unsure if the Oak Ridge design was a concept, working reactor, or anything like that.

Does anyone know what the codename for the Allis-Chalmers contract was, what the Oak Ridge reactor was, or when/why the contract was canceled?

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