Seeking e-publisher

Jos Heyman

ACCESS: Top Secret
15 February 2007
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I have written a 'book' on the Space Shuttle in a pdf format. Does anybody know a publisher that is prepared to publish this as a e-book?
You could use, which allows you to sell both e-book and print-on-demand book versions.
PDF format is not the best for an ebook. Amazon will let you sell ebooks through their site.
CNH said:
PDF format is not the best for an ebook. Amazon will let you sell ebooks through their site.

The standard e-book formats like ePub and the Kindle .azw format are really badly suited to any graphics-heavy book. Amazon just announced a new format (Kindle 8) that may work better, but the conversion tools aren't out there yet.

Lulu is reasonably good for selling PDFs or printed books based on PDFs.
The trouble is that the market isn't mature. As you say. EPUB not good for images. However, most ereaders struggle with PDFs.

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