Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War - Jim Keeshen

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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Secret U.S. Proposals of the Cold War: Radical Concepts in Factory Models and Engineering Drawings [Hardcover]
Jim Keeshen (Author)

Product Details

* Hardcover: 160 pages
* Publisher: Specialty Pr Pub & Wholesalers (March 15, 2011)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1580071619
* ISBN-13: 978-1580071611
Here's a first look at the cover art; I'm sure that a larger version will be forthcoming fairly soon:


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Now that cover looks vaguely familiar! :eek:

What are the chances of discovering two new books with that aircraft on the cover within the space of a week!?! Golden times for us x-plane nuts. I'll have em both, please!
Jim Keeshan owns many project factory models (see photos of some in Tony Buttler's American Secret Projects books).
Would that be something if you could create a 160 page book from reproducing images of models and blueprints in your collection. ;D
Triton said:
Would that be something if you could create a 160 page book from reproducing images of models and blueprints in your collection. ;D
I am so glad he did! Quite a few people are sitting on tons of absolute treasure without the time or interest to publish any of it. I am very happy some do make the effort to share the wealth (including a fair number of our own forumites). Thanks guys!
Amazon UK is now showing this book for Oct release from Crecy. Same with the US Guided Missles book.
Amazon UK is now showing this book for Oct release from Crecy. Same with the US Guided Missles book.

Both books seem to be ready for order from Crecy. No unbuilt designs in the US Guided Missiles Book :(

Has anybody ordered and received a copy of US Proposals of the Cold War?. Is that interesting? Could you scan and post the index?. I'm ready to order but, before, I need to have an idea of the contents.

Thanks in advance.

"Product Description:

An Illustrated History from Cold War to Present Day

Bill Yenne

• The first definitive reference to every US guided missile
• Describes every US guided missile ever flown
• Shows the evolution of the deadliest weapons ever devised

An encyclopaedic directory of every US guided missile system ever built including the exotic winged cruise missiles of the Cold War, the air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons used in Vietnam and Desert Storm, all ICBMs, plus secret projects and little-known types. Illustrated throughout with excellent archival and contemporary photography, there is special coverage of the famous jet-powered winged missiles of the 1950s."
Ordered Guided Missiles is Crecy pretty reliable? (I live in Canada)
Ordered Guided Missiles is Crecy pretty reliable?

Please tell us if unbuilt projects and rare prototypes from the 40's and 50's are covered.

I'm waiting for this info to order a copy.
Anybody has a already a copy from Secret US Proposals of the Cold War to post the list of projects covered?

I'm also waiting for more info before ordering a copy... :p
pometablava said:
Ordered Guided Missiles is Crecy pretty reliable?

Please tell us if unbuilt projects and rare prototypes from the 40's and 50's are covered.

I'm waiting for this info to order a copy.

Happy to do it my friend :D
Just been informed that the title, US Guided Missiles, will not be available until October.
Amazon in the U.S. lists availability for "U.S. Guided Missiles" for 4/15/12 and "Secret U.S. Proposals" for 6/15/12.
gatoraptor said:
Amazon in the U.S. lists availability for "U.S. Guided Missiles" for 4/15/12 and "Secret U.S. Proposals" for 6/15/12.

Emailed Crecy publishing where I ordered this book direct they also confirmed an April release which is a delay from October as first listed on their website.
New cover art for both this book and "U.S. Guided Missiles" from Crecy's website:


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Emailed Crecy as I had originally order US Guided Missiles last October, which was delayed to March which is again delayed to June. The Crecy representative did say definitely June
bobbymike said:
Emailed Crecy as I had originally order US Guided Missiles last October, which was delayed to March which is again delayed to June. The Crecy representative did say definitely June
Their website is now saying 31 July. Amazon in the US says 15 August. This is one I'm definitely waiting for, to see what shows up on the AIM-47 and AGM-76.
Product description
]Radical Concepts in Factory Models and Engineering Drawings

Jim Keeshen

• Depicts radical US Cold War aircraft design proposals
• Features never-before seen original archival photos
• Includes technical information and historical documentation

At the peak of the Cold War, countless proposals for radical and unorthodox US military aircraft were developed. Rare and historic models of these proposals bear witness to that bygone era and are given new recognition through the use of original and archival photography. This book also explains the background story and mission requirements for these radical


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Major bonus points if he dug up anything more on the Northrop XST, Lockheed's ATB, or any of the post-ISINGLASS designs.
Amazon US release date now October.
I believe the foundation of the book is Jim's own collection of original models and material. If you check say the Secret Projects books you will note a number of models photographed were from his collection.
Amazon release date is now November 15th for The guided missiles book. :'(

Why so many dang delays? Also I think 9 pages were removed From the info, the earlier release dates had it as 169 pages, it's now 160....
Just got email from Amazon canceling my order because the item is unavailable.
Yeah, me too. Just received notification from amazon today, too, that Keeshen's books is unavailable and my order has been cancelled.
Just ordered US Guided Missiles from Barnes and Noble, shipping soon ;D

Also picked up used;

1) Nuclear Weapons Databook Volume II
2) Nuclear Weapons Databook Vol. IV
2) Missiles for the 90's: ICBM's and Strategic Policy

With the neglect and decay of the nuclear enterprise and the Triad I just pretend is the 80's again and missiles and warheads are coming off the asssembly line like sausages (Sorry Nikita K) B)
As of right now Secret US Proposals is showing Marh 2013 still for availability on Specialty Press. (Did they not go out of business after all?)
sferrin said:
As of right now Secret US Proposals is showing Marh 2013 still for availability on Specialty Press. (Did they not go out of business after all?)
They stopped publishing aviation books. They didn't stop distributing them.
The book will be published in the U.K. by Crecy, and Specialty Press is now Crecy's U.S. distributor.
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