Scooter!: The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story Hardcover – November 15, 2019 by Tommy Thomason (Author)


ACCESS: Secret
12 January 2011
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Fully revised and updated edition. Can't wait!

What about chapter 1? Comprehensive design evolution? alternative designs? competitive designs from other manufacturers?
What about chapter 1? Comprehensive design evolution? alternative designs? competitive designs from other manufacturers?
The A4D was a sole-source procurement, so strictly speaking there were no competitive proposals. Chapter 1 does address its design evolution. Chapter 3 discusses a subsequent attempt by Grumman to replace the A4D with an F11F variant and BuAer's funding of an attack version of the FJ-4 as a production alternative when Douglas appeared to be non responsive to its concerns about A4D shortcomings. Chapter 7 describes the subsequent jet attack competition that resulted in the A-7 rather than a competing A-4 derivative.
I noticed that this is a new revised second edition with additional content. What are the changes and new content for this edition ?
I noticed that this is a new revised second edition with additional content. What are the changes and new content for this edition ?
I don't have the new edition, but I have the old one. Amazon says the new edition is 16 pages longer (288 to 272), but comparing the tables of contents I don't see it. Chapter 1 is two pages shorter in the new edition, Chapter 2 is two pages longer, Appendix 1 is in the text rather than an appendix in the old edition, and appendix 2, the glossary, and the index are each one page longer in the new edition, maybe because of a change in font size (they are pretty small in the old edition). Unless the new index is 14 pages longer, or Amazon has the wrong page count, I don't know where the extra pages come from.

I presume any changes are slight ones, and this is more a reprint than a significantly revised new edition. And given the prices the old ones were being listed at, that's not a surprise, there seems to be some demand for a new printing. I would have jumped on one a couple years ago.

This is just a guess on my part though, and an actual comparison from someone with access to both would be better.
From the Author's own website, HERE . . .

"The first edition of Scooter! has been selling for silly prices on Amazon so Crécy decided to publish a second one. I've corrected typos and errors as well as added new illustrations and updated the sections on foreign military air forces and civil-registered Skyhawks. Also see HERE. For reviews of the first edition, click HERE. "


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