Schenberg S-1 Motor Glider (Šenbergas Š-1)


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28 January 2008
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Vsevolod Schenberg (Šenbergas) was a Lithuanian military officer and a contempory of Jurgis Dobkevičius . For more on Dobkevičius (DOBI aircraft) see .

The design and construction of the original Schenberg glider was started in 1921. At the end of 1922 the glider was completed and tested by towing behind a car, but did not take off of the ground. Later, V. Schenberg developed a motorized version of this glider, but the engine was from a low-power motorcycle was not able to lift it into the air.

In 1921-22, when the commander of the 1st Squadron, Lieutenant Jurgis Dobkevičius, built his first airplane Dobi-I, the Commander of the 2nd Squadron, Lieutenant Vsevolod Schenberg (Šenbergas), prepared working drawings of his sports aircraft.

It was a single-seater monoplane with a wooden structure. Its wings were trapezoidal in shape, with rounded ends attached to the upper part of the fuselage. Long ailerons covered almost all of the wings.

The front of the fuselage was thick and high with a pilot seat in the middle of the wing. The aircraft used the Excelsior engine from a motorcycle, which was installed in the upper part of the fuselage. Schenberg had a lot of trouble adapting it to drive the propeller, because there were no special aviation workshops in Kaunas at that time, and Schenberg lacked funds to buy an aircraft engine. Unfortunately, Schenberg no longer worked that plane as more important official tasks arose. The Š-1 did not take to the air.

Wing Span: 12.00 m.

Fuselage length: 7.00 m.

Maximum width of the wings: 1.90 m.

Minimum width of the wings: 0.80 m.

Wing area: 16.00 m2

Engine : 2-cylinder motorcycle "Excelsior" 15 HP

Source: Lithuanian Aviation History at

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