Saturn IB/Service Module Launch Vehicle


ACCESS: Confidential
12 August 2008
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In 1967, Chrysler and North American published a study about the use of the Saturn IB plus Apollo Service Module to loft payloads into geosynchronous orbit.

Would anyone happen to know where I could get a copy of this study?
Souds very interesting. Surplus Apollo SMs as upper stages in Agena fashion ?
Archibald said:
Souds very interesting. Surplus Apollo SMs as upper stages in Agena fashion ?

more like "Super Agena" (Sm with 15 tons propellants ?) with GEO injection after 6 houre cruse GTO

interesting question is Wat next ?
de-orbit of Apollo SM or remain the SM as part of Satellite in GEO ?
I made litte check on my Data

a Saturn IB with Centaur upperstage brings 3023 kg in GEO

(note Intelsat I in 1965 has a mass around 35 kg GEO)

Apollo SM as upperstage brings much lower payload in orbit
even with modifcation like stripp CM, Fuelcell, S-band Antenna etc.

i think much below 1000 kg for Saturn IB/SM Payload
Michel Van said:
I made litte check on my Data

a Saturn IB with Centaur upperstage brings 3023 kg in GEO


i think much below 1000 kg for Saturn IB/SM Payload

What kind of calculation did you do?

I did some quick estimates with mass ratios, and I'm inclined to agree that the Saturn IB/SM would be a rather inefficient launch vehicle. Maybe it would make more sense if the final stage (the SM) were to be active for several days, longer, I presume, than a Centaur's en-orbit lifetime.

By the way, I did have a look at NTRS, but no luck finding anything on the IB/SM, but thanks for the suggestion.
What kind of calculation did you do?

simple i take as reverence a Saturn IB with Centaur upperstage, brings 3023 kg in GEO
source: Saturn IB Payload Planner's Guide
download for only $5.5 here:

the Fuel of Apollo SM is N2O4/UDMH = Isp: 290 sec.
the Fuel of Centaur is LOX/LH2 = Isp: 425 sec.
means the Centaur can bring 1,46 more payload as SM
so 2070,5 kg for Saturn IB with SM

under the presumption the Saturn IB brings the SM in a Orbit
were its fly in to GEO (two Engine burns )
but second burn need fuel, Wat SM has to carry with
Wat reduce the Payload under 1000 kg
i found some Data on Saturn IB/Service Module launcher
in "Advanced Saturn/Apollo Missions" to found here

Payload in GEO is 1133 kg or 2500 Lbs
On the subject of Saturn - Agena... Von Braun pushed this rocket as an alternative to Atlas Centaur around 1963. At the time the Centaur had teething problems.
Michel Van said:
i found some Data on Saturn IB/Service Module launcher
in "Advanced Saturn/Apollo Missions" to found here

That's great--thanks!!! I'm downloading it now....

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