"Satelloid" Krafft Ehricke 1954-1955


ACCESS: Top Secret
28 January 2008
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Hi everybody

I have heard about a so-called "Satelloid" proposed by Krafft Ehricke in 1954 or 1955.
What is it ? Maybe someone knows more about the "Satelloid" proposed by Krafft Ehricke ?
I have heard that the "Satelloid" is a hybrid between an airplane and a satellite or a little space platform ?
Maybe it is an early Dyna-Soar concept ?

Many thanks in advance and Many greetings
Re: "Satelloid" Krafft Ehricke 1954-1955 / Satelloids (NOTS, YOYO and more...)

Although NOT related to Ehricke, the following could be interesting.

(1) The term "satelloid" [sat•el•loid (sat'l-oid")] is thus defined: "A vehicle that revolves about the earth or other body, but at such altitudes as to require sustaining thrust to balance drag." See: Allen, William H. (Ed.) Dictionary of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use, Nasa Special Publication SP-7, Washington, D.C: NASA / US Government Printing Office, 1965 ; http://roland.lerc.nasa.gov/~dglover/dictionary/s.html

(2) satelloids received publicity in the 1950s a related to the NOTS program, the US Navy classified air launch effort, now well documented.

(3) I found a reference to a "Yo-Yo" project related to the NOTS effort. Through YOYO, the US Navy imagined the possibility to launch, from a sea-carrier based aircraft, a 1 pass only tactical reconnaisssance "satelloid" who would deliver data either by radio communication, or recoverable capsule. Another "bioastronautics" project from the US Navy, code-named "Dixi & Pixie" received some publicity. Either a NOTS or NOTS-derived (air-launched) satellite carrier (my files are unclear on this point) would be used to put a mouse on orbit. Gosh!!!!

Some source available here:
Frederick C. Ruffner, Jr. & Robert C. Thomas (Eds), Code Names Dictionary, Detroit, Michigan : Gale Research Co., 1963, p.551
Frederick C. Ruffner, Jr. & Robert C. Thomas (Eds), Code Names Dictionary, Detroit, Michigan : Gale Research Co., 1963, p.161
Re: "Satelloid" Krafft Ehricke 1954-1955 / Satelloids (NOTS, YOYO and more...)

antigravite said:
(1) The term "satelloid" [sat•el•loid (sat'l-oid")] is thus defined: "A vehicle that revolves about the earth or other body, but at such altitudes as to require sustaining thrust to balance drag."


Re: "Satelloid" Krafft Ehricke 1954-1955 Air-Breathing Electric Thrusters (ABET)

Obviously not aircraft but "Near Space" objects involving new technologies such as those explored (low level studies) by Busek a wild 5 years ago as part of DoD SBIR-AF2002-175 project Contract #F33615-02-M-2280, as "Air Breathing Electric Propulsion for Aerospace Vehicles"

Abstract: All aerospace vehicles, aircraft and spacecraft, are designed to function at an altitude below 30 km or above 150 km respectively. Above 30 km, an aircraft's propulsion system encounters combustion limits and below 150 km a spacecraft encounters atmospheric drag that leads to rapid reentry. A propulsion system that could function adequately in at least a portion of the intervening altitudes would enable new type of aerospace vehicles capable of performing missions inaccessible with the present state of the art technology. To avoid the combustion limit and the need to carry propellant we propose the development of an air-breathing, electric thruster (ABET). Proof of concept experiments performed under conditions that approximate upper edges of the atmosphere, have confirmed that the ABET propulsion is feasible. In Phase I we propose to establish performance and operating requirements for such propulsion system and a thruster, based on representative aerospace vehicle requirements. These requirements and data, from additional experiments, will be used to design a new ABET to be built and tested in Phase II in our existing facilities. Aerospace Corporation will support Busek by developing the ABET performance requirements based on hypothetical mission scenarios. Successful development of a propulsion system that can maintain an aerospace vehicle at an altitude of 100 km for extended period of time would revolutionize, communications and earth observation/military surveillance. Such vehicles, or those at lower altitude and lower speed, would take over many roles currently filled by spacecraft or aircraft, and have the potential for much lower cost.
Thanks a lot for help !
Here are some Satelloids (Dyna-Soar)
Many greetings

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