SARO projects for rescue lifeboat and Sea Raider commando attack gliders.
Descriptions and small 3-views from Tagg-Wheeler From Sea to Air;
larger drawings from Wheeler From River to Sea.
P.108 1949
Two versions of a glider, the hull of which detached to serve as a lifeboat. The Mk.II version was favoured
and the hull shape, jettison system and operational technique were investigated in some detail.
(text copied from SARO Designations thread)
Descriptions and small 3-views from Tagg-Wheeler From Sea to Air;
larger drawings from Wheeler From River to Sea.
P.108 1949
Two versions of a glider, the hull of which detached to serve as a lifeboat. The Mk.II version was favoured
and the hull shape, jettison system and operational technique were investigated in some detail.
(text copied from SARO Designations thread)