San Amerigo - my fictional state


Senior Member
6 June 2006
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Zen thread about his fictional state reminded me of my own . created at the whatif modelers forum in 2006.

So welcome to San Amerigo.

San Amerigo, as the name entails, is set in South America. It shares a frontier with its arch-nemesis for centuries, Venecombia.

The border is made of two rivers: Rio Vinoblanco and Rio Vinotinto, named of course because of the different colors of their waters (think of the Chinese rivers) - one red from iron deposites, the other more yellowish-brown.

The two countries have their origins in the Ketchupas, an indian tribe (exterminated by Conquistadors, of course) that thrieved on the tomato crop and even used the juice for their sacrifices, in place of human blood.

San Amerigo national anthem is Rodolfo y la tipica "Colegiala"

... and of course the main export is coffee (to you, Nescafé. What else ?)

Venecombia national anthem is Guantanamera

Both countries hates each others but their air forces are, well, starved of funding. They used Breguet XIV and Avro 504 until 1937, and biplanes until 1948. Later Uncle Sam come to the rescue, as both countries faced a major communist insurgency. Infact the leftist groups split into two major factions, somewhat like the Spanish Civil War.
El Partido Unidario de los Trabajadores Anarquistas and the Confederacion Unidaria de los Libertadores Obrejos - P.U.T.A and C.U.L.O - fought a bloody war and were ultimately crushed by the right-wing dictatorship of Adolfo Elcabron.

More on this later.
Ah dang. I put that in the bar, what's the problem ? :(

This is apolitical, when you think about it, both right-wing and left-wing extremists are aptly named. :D

Both air forces went through similar developments, except that Venecombia prefered British aircrafts for a while.

They started with AT-6 for ground attack (1945) and later they got F-51 Mustangs (1952) that lasted until 1972 and fought each others in the "basketball war" of 1971. By the early 60's they got AT-33s.

Meanwhile in 1967 Venecombia bought second-hand Hunters so San Amerigo got F-86s. They were barely ready for the basketball war but later both side lost an aircraft in aerial skirmishes over the border. One F-86 went down to a Hunter, and vice-versa, settling the match. They lasted well into the 90's when the era of supersonic fighters began.

San Amerigo got a mix of F-5A and F-5E with some two-seaters, but Venecombia was not so lucky. Uncle Sam was angered at them because of the Basketball war. So they shopped elsewhere - and France went into the fray, followed by Israel. In the end San Amerigo went for a hodgepodge fleet of Mirage VF upgraded by Dassault, Kfir upgraded by Israel, and Nesher upgraded by Chile.
The bar is the right place, that's ok.

My "moderator-sense" tingled: "right-wing and left-wing extremists" :-[

Let's see how it goes ;)
ask and you shall see ! essentially a mostly inoffensive aviation wet dream.
Archibald said:
San Amerigo national anthem is Rodolfo y la tipica "Colegiala"

... and of course the main export is coffee (to you, Nescafé. What else ?)

Venecombia national anthem is Guantanamera

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Archibald said:
P.U.T.A and C.U.L.O - Adolfo Elcabron.

PUTA = Bitch
CULO = Ass

Elcabron = Thedumbass (thebastard)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Very interesting!!! You like the politicians very much, isn't? ;)

No, it is extremists of both sides I hate. Stalin or Hitler, or carbon copies of them... no good for any country or people. Plus I like play-on-words, even bad ones. In the spanish civil war was some kind of anarchist group called the POUM - Partido Obrejo Unidario Marxista (or something like that). The funny thing is that POUM is french slang for... KABOOM. Not bad for anarchists, who are rather fond of dynamite and C4. ;D

Can't remember if Hawker Hunters ever fought against F-86s ?

Plus I like latino music (except for Shakira, may you roast in hell).

Imagine this one as national anthem !

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