SAIMAN Aircraft Designations


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S.A.I.M.A.N. -- Società Anonima Industrie Meccaniche Aeronautiche Navali

The Società Anonima Industrie Meccaniche Aeronautiche Navali (the Naval Aviation Mechanical Industries Limited Company) was formed at Lido di Roma in 1934.* Part of the Caproni group, S.A.I.M.A.N. (also rendered as SAIMAN, or Saiman) was initially a repair and maintenance facility.

There are some puzzles about SAIMAN production. According to some sources, the first aircraft produced was the 1936 SAIMAN C.4, designed by Ing. E. Cambilargiu. The C.4 was a rally aircraft developed specifically for the Avioraduno Sahariano (Saharan Circuit). The C.4 was a one-off and it seems unlikely that Cambilargiu designed any other aircraft for SAIMAN (I'm attaching the beginnings of a separate Cambilargiu list below the SAIMAN list).

Oft-repeated online references claim SAIMAN's founding to have been in 1929 with aircraft construction beginning "in 1932 with an experimental monoplane, designated C.10, which had a variable-incidence wing." SIRIS also list a "Saiman C.10". There was a Cambilargiu C-10 but that was an incompleted 1924 glider project. Was this 'Saiman C.10' a separate design and, if so, by whom?

SAIMAN's CEO (L'amministratore delegato) was Ing. Guido Sacerdote but there is no indication that this engineer was a design role. The Chief Designer for SAIMAN was Ing Mario Bottini* who had a hand in all other SAIMAN aircraft designs. Bottini had come from Gabardini where he had designed the Lictor series of low-winged light monoplanes (which, it has been claimed, were an influence upon the SAIMAN 202).

SAIMAN Aircraft Designation Style

The first SAIMAN aircraft designs were designated with their designer's initials:

C. --- For designer, Ing. Emanuele Cambilargiu

L.B. - For designers Carlo Francesco 'Francis' Lombardi and Mario Bottini

The second series of SAIMAN aircraft designations were numerical only, beginning with 200. That sequence continues at least to the SAIMAN 208. Then, for no obvious reason, the SAIMAN sequence jumps to 303. It is tempting to suggest that the type designation SAIMAN 303 seemed like a neat follow-on to the SAIMAN 202 it was to replace. But that is purely speculative.

The SAIMAN V.A.L. (for Volo l'Assaltatore Leggero) may have been otherwise undesignated or this light attack aircraft's numerical designation may simply have been lost in time.

Designations are sometimes assigned a prefix, eg: SAIMAN S.202 or even SAIMAN C.202. It is doubtful that this was an official designation style. However, suffixes were applied -- especially to the SAIMAN 202 series. These include:

R -- Raduno (Rally)
RL - Raduno Littorio
I -- [?? Iniziale, Inizio ??] ie: I serie**
M -- Militari (military version)

Other suffixes include 'bis' and 'B'. Presumably, both refer to second variants.


* Mario Bottini is also listed as the head of SAIMAN's research department. Ing. Bottini began with Giuseppe Gabardini but the latter was not popular among Fascist decision-makers.

-- NB: May simply refer to Alfa-Romeo 110 I engine
SAIMAN Aircraft Designations

SAIMAN C.4 - 1936 4-seat low-wing cantilever monoplane tourer*
- SAIMAN C.4: 1 x 132 hp DeHavilland Gipsy Major, x 1 **
-- * SAIMAN C.4 won II° Avioraduno Sahariano, Spring 1936
-- ** I-GEPI, c/n 1, ex MM306; 23 April 1936; aka SAIMAN SC.4
-- Some sources claim that SAIMAN 204R was a C.4 derivative

SAIMAN C.5-SAIMAN C.9 - (??)

SAIMAN C.10 - 1932 experimental monoplane with variable-incidence wing
-- NB: Desig. conflicts with unbuilt 1924 Cambilargiu C-10 glider

(SAIMAN) L.B.1 - 193? light tourer prototype, possibly built by SAIMAN
-- This is a tentative entry; L.B.1 was in competition with SAIMAN 202
-- L.B.1 was an ing. Mario Bottini design for Carlo 'Francis' Lombardi

SAIMAN L.B.2 - 1937 2-seat light cabin low-wing touring monoplane, x 1
- SAIMAN L.B.2: Side-by-side cockpit, pusher propeller, twin booms
- SAIMAN L.B.2: 1 x 130 hp Alfa Romeo 115 pusher;* span 11.70 m
-- * Intended to offer 110 hp Alfa Romeo 110 as an alt. to 6-cylinder
-- * L.B.2 powerplant was originally to have been a Fiat A.50 radial**
-- ** Lombardi requested the Alfa 115 engine on 31 October 1937
-- aka Lombardi L.B.2 or simply SAIMAN LB

SAIMAN 200 - 1938 2-seat tandem biplane primary trainer, span 14.2 m
- SAIMAN 200: 1 x 185 hp Alfa Romeo 115, wooden construction, x 147*
- * 2 x built for Ala Littoria, 145 x built for the Regia Aeronautica**
-- ** 115 x built for RA by Caproni-Vizolla, 25 x built by SAIMAN

SAIMAN 201 - 1937 side-by-side 2-seat touring monoplane
- SAIMAN 201: Braced high-wing monoplane, spatted main u/c
- SAIMAN 201: 1 x 120 hp Alfa Romeo 110 inline; span (??) m
-- Appeared II Salone Internazionale Aeronautico Fiera di Milano

SAIMAN 202 - 1938 low-wing monoplane tourer/trainer,* x 420 (??)
- SAIMAN 202: 2-seat side-by-side enclosed cockpit; fixed main u/c
- SAIMAN 202: 1 x 120 hp Alfa Romeo 110 4-cyl. inline; span 10.66 m
SAIMAN 202: First series, 120 hp DeHavilland Gipsy Major, 27 built
-- Plywood-covered wooden structure reinf. with aluminum stiffeners
- SAIMAN 202 bis: Revised cockpit, 130 hp Alfa Romeo 110-I, 2 built
- SAIMAN 202-I : 1939, revised fuselage, control & tail surface changes*
-- * Constant-chord stabilizers, flaps in wing centre section only
- SAIMAN 202-I: aka SAIMAN 202/I, aka SAIMAN 202I
- SAIMAN 202IM : (Project) ... or simply confusion with Saiman 202M (??)
-- Costruzioni Aeronautiche.pdf
- SAIMAN 202RL: Racer meant for the IV° Avio Raduno del Littorio, x 2
- SAIMAN 202RL: Alfa Romeo 110I engine, reduced wing span, I-CIDO (c/n 37)
- SAIMAN 204R : 4-seat extended cockpit, 185 hp Alfa Romeo 115, 4 built
- SAIMAN 202M : Military trainer/liaison aircraft; simplified 202I airframe
- SAIMAN 202M: 215 x SAIMAN-built, 85 x CNA-built, 65 x SACA-built

SAIMAN 203 - (??)

SAIMAN 204 - 1939 4-seat Rally sport deriv. of 202, span 10 m, x 1
- SAIMAN 204R: 1 x 185 hp Alfa Romeo 115 in-line 6-cyl engine
-- SAIMAN 204R: ala SAIMAN 204/R

SAIMAN 205 - SAIMAN 200 deriv., 1 x 120 hp Alfa Romeo 110, 3 built
- SAIMAN 205: To March 1938 order from the Regia Aeronautica
-- Reduced power SAIMAN 200, 1st SAIMAN 205 (MM.389) flew July 1939

SAIMAN 206 - (??)

SAIMAN 207 - Biplane trainer, predecessor to SAIMAN 208
- SAIMAN 207 : [??]
- SAIMAN 207B: 1 x IF Beta RC
-- 2 x Matricole Militari assigned (transf. to Saiman 208)

SAIMAN 208 - 1941 trainer/aerobatic biplane, x 2 prototypes*
- SAIMAN 208: 1 x 280 hp IF Beta RC.10, span 8.40 m
-- * SAIMAN 208 prototypes were MM.476 and MM.477

SAIMAN 2xx - (??)

SAIMAN 30x - (??)

SAIMAN 303 - (Project) Primary trainer for Regia Aeronautica*
- SAIMAN 303: Evolution of the SAIMAN 202 airframe., retr. u/c
- SAIMAN 303: 1 x 280 hp Hirth HM. 508D IV-8; span 10.66 m
-- * Intended replacement for Ro.41 and SAIMAN 202 trainers
-- SAIMAN 303 const'n 80% complete stage at time of Armistice

SAIMAN V.A.L. - Volo l'Assaltatore Leggero,* span 12.50 m, x 2**
- V.A.L.: 1 x 825 hp I-F Delta IV, 2 x 20 mm + 2 x 12.7 mm
-- * Light attack a/c, designed by S. Stefanutti & M. Bottini
-- ** 1st prototype completed, 2nd prototype left incomplete
-- 3V:,4047.jpg

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Ing. Emanuele Cambilargiu: B. 26 Nov 1894, Brescia, D. died 02 March 1973, Bologna (sometime the name is shown as Cambilargiù)

Emanuele Cambilargiu served as a Corpo Aeronautico Militare reconnaissance pilot in WWI. Despite anti-Fascist leanings, Cambilargiu remained in the Regia Aeronautica, eventually rising to the rank of maggior generale. But Cambilargiu also completed his engineering degree and as a G.A.r.i. (Genio Aeronautico Ruolo Ingegneri), he became a professor of aerodynamics at the University of Pavia.

Best known for papers on aerodynamic theory, Cambilargiu also helped produce student designs for experimental gliders. The first was the Goliardia (Student Spirit), the second glider design was the ASUP (after the acronym of the student association at Pavia).*

In 1925, Ing. Cambilargiu formed Costruzioni Aeronautiche Italiane in Milan with pilot Amedeo Folz (who also financed the new firm). Designations applied were 'CF' for Cambilargiu-Folz.** The CF-1 lightplane and its CF-2 derivative seem to have been CAI's sole products.

Cambilargiu's C.4 monoplane tourer was built as a one-off by SAIMAN in 1936. This 4-seater won the II° Avioraduno Sahariano in the Spring of 1936 but no production followed. Some sources say that, back in 1932, SAIMAN had earlier produced the C.10 - an experimental monoplane with a variable-incidence wing. If true and a Cambilargiu design, the designation conflicts with the earlier Cambilargiu C-10 glider project.

Emanuele Cambilargiu left for Brazil in 1947 but moved to the dryer climate of Argentina for health reasons. In 1951, Cambilargiu settled in Uruguay and teaching at the Facultad de Ingeniería de Montevideo (becoming Director of the Laboratorio de Aerodinámica). Cambilargiu returned to Italy in 1969.


* Most Italian student associations were suppressed after the establishment in 1927 of the Gruppi Universitari Fascisti (GUF).

** Some sources list the company name as 'Cambilargiu-Folz' (perhaps because the Costruzioni Aeronautiche Italiane name was so generic?).

The Aircraft Designs of Ing. Emanuele Cambilargiu

Emanuele Cambilargiu Student Association Glider Designs

Cambilargiu Goliardia - 1923 exper. twin-boomed glider, span 13 m
- Cambilargiu Goliardia: Built by Fratelli Visco, Somma Lombardo

Cambilargiu ASUP - 1924 swept-winged sailplane (completed?)
- ASUP: Associazione Studenti Universitari Pavesi*
-- * Cambilargiu was prof of aerodynamics at University of Pavia

Emanuele Cambilargiu Early 'C' Series Designations

Cambilargiu C-1 - C-9 - [??]

Cambilargiu C-10 - [Project] 1924 exper. parasol glider, span 13 m
- Cambilargiu C-10: Planned contr'n by Società Lombarda di Aviazione

Cambilargiu C-11 - [Project] 192? parasol glider, no details
- Cambilargiu C-11: Aerodynamic model only

Costruzioni Aeronautiche Italiane (CAI) Aircraft Designations

Costruzioni Aeronautiche Italiane CF-1 - 1925 light monoplane tourer
- CAI CF-1: As planned, single-seat light cantilever monoplane*
- CAI CF-1: As built, 2-seat open cockpit, span 11.60 m
-- * Folding wings, 1 x 35 hp Anzani 3-cyl radial engine
-- After test flights, CF-1 airframe was modified into CF-2

Costruzioni Aeronautiche Italiane CF-2 - 1926 light monoplane tourer
- CAI CF-2: Extensively modified CF-1 airframe, span 12.50 m
-- CF-2: Lengthened fuselage (5.80 m vs 5.15 m), 40 hp Salmson 9AD

Emanuele Cambilargiu's SAIMAN-built Aircraft Designations

SAIMAN C.4 - 1936 4-seat low-wing cantilever monoplane tourer*
- SAIMAN C.4: 1 x 132 hp DeHavilland Gipsy Major, x 1 **
-- * SAIMAN C.4 won II° Avioraduno Sahariano, Spring 1936
-- ** I-GEPI, c/n 1, ex MM306, 23.4.36

SAIMAN C.5-SAIMAN C.9 - [??]

SAIMAN C.10 - 1932 experimental monoplane with variable-incidence wing
-- NB: Desig. conflicts with unbuilt 1924 Cambilargiu C-10 glider

Excellent work as usual my dear Apophenia,

and I can add;

L.B.1 was also tourist light aircraft prototype,but no more details are known.

here is a small info about L.B.1.

Dimensione Cielo- Scuola Collegamento vol.10


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SAIMAN stand, Milan Air Salon 1937.

Might the SAIMAN 201 be the LB.1?

Franis Lombardi was not a designer, right? It seems he was more like the party selling the aircraft. In 1937 he had a company which also represented Miles, Stinson, Tipsy and Zlin.

Thank you Hesham. The sign says 'i posteggio Frances Lombardi', what does that mean?
I think it must have another meaning.

The full quote is: Questo apparecchio e esposto nel salone centrale (i posteggio Francis Lombardi).

So, the translation would be: "This device [meaning the L.B.] is exhibited in the central hall (on the Francis Lombardi stand).

AFAIK, posteggio for 'stand' is now rather passé. It is still seen in terms like taxi-stand (posteggio di taxi) but note that your Google link page says "Stand della SAIMAN...".
Not sure why you bring up L.B.4.

Look at this one, the SAIMAN stand in 1935. There is a low-wing plane which might be the LB.1? Of course it may be a mock-up.

SAIMAN stand in 1935

Also the CNA 15 and CNA 25 on the left, I think.
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Not sure why you bring up L.B.4.

Look at this one, the SAIMAN stand in 1935. There is a low-wing plane which might be the LB.1? Of course it may be a mock-up.

SAIMAN stand in 1935

Also the CNA 15 and CNA 25 on the left, I think.

From here ?.


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I have no idea, dear Hesham. The author of this article might know more.

Interesting ... thanks Petrusja.

Your Richard Ferriere link shows the Lombardi-Bottini L.B.1 and SAIMAN 201 opposing each other in a 1937 Ministero dell'aeronautica competition for a tourer. That doesn't conclusively prove that SAIMAN did not build the L.B./L.B.1 for 'Francis' Lombardi ... but it does make it seem less likely.

Although not germane here, it does raise a broader question: If SAIMAN didn't build the L.B., who did? [1]

[1] Lombardi didn't form AVIA until the following year.
Reporting on II Salone Internazionale Aeronautico Fiera di Milano (02-17 Oct 1937), Flugsport said:

"Ein Wasserflugzeug und die beiden Typen „Saiman 200" und „Saiman 201" werden von der „Societa Anonima Industrie Meccaniche, Aeronautiche e Navali" nach Mailand geschickt ..."

Source: Flugsport XXIX Nr.20, 29 Sept. 1937

That suggests that the SAIMAN 201 preceded the better-known SAIMAN 202 - at least, slightly.

Johan Visschedijk mentions "the Saiman 200 two-seat trainer biplane, and the Saiman 201 and Saiman 202 two-seat touring monoplanes derivates." The suggestion there is that the SAIMAN 201 and 202 were both derived from the SAIMAN 200 biplane. 'Derivate' is a bit of a stretch I think (family resemblance, maybe?).


The model marked 'SAIMAN 201' in Petrusja's Google link [1] shows a braced high-wing monoplane with (going by the placard) a 120 hp Alfa Romeo 110 inline. The model shows side-by-side seating; a (semi?) monocoque fuselage; rectangular wing panels; and a short, spatted main gear. The rounded tailplane of the SAIMAN 201 resembles that of the SAIMAN 200 (at least more so than the SAIMAN 202's arrangement). Anyway, other than a common engine type and design origin, it hard to see connections between the SAIMAN 200 and 201.


[1] Original Fondazione Fiera Milano link for image:
-- https://archiviostorico.fondazionef...ale-aeronautico-del-1937-alla-fiera-di-milano

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