SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment), arsTECHNICA article, 1/4/2022, by Frank O'Brien


ACCESS: Secret
5 February 2011
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Here's a somewhat thorough article about SAGE, the "Semi-Automatic Ground Environment" system co-ordinating air defense over North America from 1958, parts of it surviving operational up until the early 1980s.

I searched the forum but could not find a dedicated thread on the subject. Still, I decided to post the link here (in this section) as there are numerous mentions of SAGE in this forum but scattered all over different discussions. I don't know if there's enough there to pull it all together yet, my impression being that it's unlikely as the context of the references varied widely.
I've been inside the ex-SAGE building on Luke AFB many times now. It has been converted into an office building that contains many of the base's administrative functions. It's still a windowless concrete bunker however. The people that work there refer to it variously as "The Big Ugly" or "The Blockhouse."

The building today

SAGE electronics back when it was operational


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